My heart goes really fast mostly all the time just by even touching my chest or like i was stressed out arguing with someone and my heart went of control it was going really fast like i even have back pains neck pains It wouldnt calm down i had to take a metaprolol Because it would go really fast my pulse was 125 aswell idk but i saw a heart docter i know he made me do stress test and 7 day monitor but i think i want to see another one because i think im suffering from my heart it goes really fast like this is not a joke anymore Im tierd of the docters aaying everything seems fine But i dont feel like it my heart goes fast for any little thing asell even blasting music going out side going in a cab like wth is going on with me i cant be any where with this i feel like i get a spasm on my side of hy heart aswell and pains Honestly right now im stressed out thinking about what if i catch a heart attack or im suffering with my heart the docter did say i have arrythmia but not a dangerous one but still Probably couldve gotten worst you think?‼️‼️
Heart cant take it anymore i try but idk w... - Anxiety Support
Heart cant take it anymore i try but idk whats really wrong .

Go to the Doctors
Johnnie, I think it did get worse, NOT your heart, but your emotions have gotten away with you. It's got to be put under control with either an antianxiety drug for a little while or a low dose of a beta blocker. Either will help in lowering the heart rate as well as your anxiety. You are so young and I hate to see you in this state of agitation and worry every day. Have another talk with your doctor. Bring someone with you that can listen to what the doctor is saying. Sometimes when we are so upset, we don't hear everything clearly. I really think that needs to be the next step. Right now you are stuck in this fear cycle. My best...
Yeah i took a betw blocker because my heart was going fast and yeah im to stressed the way i been feeling and my heart worrying me got me stressed
I know you are scared. I use to get that way a long time ago. My heart was always going fast or skipping and making me feel horrible. So I do understand what you are going through. I had an arrhythmia too and my doctor gave me a tranquilizer to calm the heart and my mind. It helped. I too had the stress test and the doctor said my heart was fine and if only I weren't so nervous, I could have gone longer on the tread mill. So unfortunately it always boils down to anxiety being the problem. You know Johnnie, as hard as it is to live with anxiety, I'm so grateful it isn't a heart problem. It will be okay you just need a little something to get you over this bump in the road of life.
Your heart is strong and can handle 125. It feels fast and pounding as you can hear it pump through your neck right next to your ear. It's the aniexty and a doctor can help.
Your heart can handle going 125
When exercising hard it can go up even higher. I know it can be scary, take a trip to your doctor and tell him all this. See what he says
When I m tired plus stressed, bam my heart rate goes up and skips beats too. Good that you had a stress test . I've never had stress test but did have a two week heart monitor and echocardiogram. ive always had anxiety and now it's with menopause hormones all over the place making my heart extra sensitive to everything . Plus add my high blood pressure goes up and down and mild leaky aortic valve makes me have health anxiety. I Habsburg good and bad days. It's worse when I focus on my health. But I'm still holding on to God to get through this .