Soo i went outside been having headaches lately mostly everyday its more chronic problem My heart goes fast then it seems like it pause its makes my body twich like i cant relax my body when it happens my heart goes really fast for no reason its everything i get head pressure and headaches that just making me think i have something really wrong with my body its like all this is sending me signals and dont know hoe to react because it takes over my body feeld like im going to pass out when it happens what could it be a problem with my heart or a head problem ? its beats fast then pause then beats hard that it makes my head shake and cant relax its like i have to tlforce myself to relax the headaches though are just tough i cant feel my heart beating on my chest .ugh
Whats wrong with my heart and body Need s... - Anxiety Support
Whats wrong with my heart and body Need some Advise for the last time ....

Johnnie, your heart beating erratically can certainly cause headaches as well as making you feel like you may pass out. It has more to do with your nervous system causing the fear to grow whenever you feel physical symptoms. Like you said, your body can't relax when this happens and just makes the symptoms stronger in intensity as well as last longer. The head pressure and headaches sound like they are tension headaches again caused by tight muscles due to your fears. It's neither a heart or a head problem but most likely an emotional problem. You need to work on calming your mind and body down when you are not feeling these symptoms. It's got to be a learned habit in not reacting negatively whenever the heart speeds up. Your head shakes because you get tense and the muscles get tight and spasm. Learn to deep breathe as well as accept the anxiety as not harmful as a trick of your mind. Once you are able to not be concerned by what you are feeling, the symptoms will back off and eventually go away.
For a quick fix, you could pop a tranquilizer but if you are afraid to take a pill then you are back to square one. So the best thing is to learn how to control these episodes by yourself with no fear, acceptance and deep breathing.
You're right about the anxiety meds. I've felt the same way he does.. took my klonopin and it all went away. That's when you know it's from the anxiety
Thank you so much so you think it is all anxiety like chronic because its everyday feels like something is wrong
Hi agora sorry to interupt but the thing about the tension headaches am i right in thinking that my headaches that are at the back of my head at the bottom of my skull are tension headaches also ! I hope.your keeping.well david
Celtic27, they sound exactly like what I use to get for years. They were from tension but called Muscular Contraction Headaches. At the back of the bottom of the skull. Those tight muscles contracted by just clamping down hard. Sometimes there would be referred pain on one side at the temple. The pain could be intense but yet different than a migraine.
The trigger points are usually coming from the tense shoulders. If you press down just below the should bone on your back, you will wince at the tender pain. To relieve that spasm, it helps to use heat or take your index finger, find the knot/spasm and press down hard on the knot for about a minute or so. It will release the spasm and sometimes help with the contraction of the head muscles.
I hope you start feeling better soon. It's painful I know.