I have severe anxiety and I usually wake up in the morning feeling ok, but by the time supper comes around I start feeling horrible again. Does anyone else notice this happening them?
The evenings.....: I have severe anxiety and... - Anxiety Support
The evenings.....

Yes. The evenings are always worse and I think you'll find if you read thru the posts here that a lot of people feel the same way. Maybe we were hoping for a better day this time or maybe we feel like we have less resources after the business day is done? I'm not sure but coming to this site seems to help a bit. The nice thing is that someone is always here. I take Xanax and for me Im hesitant to "waste them" when I'm not at work but this may be just my issue.
Kinikia95 how often do you take xanax ? I'm in Australia and have the same thing but it's called Karma . Just wondering when u take yours etc cheers
Karma, thats very interesting. I take as needed and I take the lowest dose which is .25 milligrams. I usually end up taking it 2 or 3 times day which I'm not happy about but it just is what it is. However, as I say it's the lowest dose.
Yer my dose is .05 so very low . It goes every where with me but it's my candy lol . But I need to take one when I get the warning signs of a massive panic attack coming on , but I try to beat it and never can so I take one then and seems to take ages to kick in . Also great if mind won't stop at night .
I think you mean .5 but that is also low. Such a lifesaver when we need it. I find that it takes 20 minutes exactly to kick in like exactly 20 minutes, you can set your clock by it. But that seems a long time when you're panicking.
Also what are your symptoms of anxiety and panic attack ?
Oh boy, it varies. By this time I am physically addicted to Xanax so sometimes I just start feeling a bit weird when I haven't had one in a few hours. Like if I go 10 hours without one I will start to feel a little strange (unless ive been asleep) to be honest. if its a workday. I can go longer on the weekends. But often times has to do with work stress or other stress and I just start to feel I guess agitated would be the best word. Or sometimes it's just that I feel scared for a reason that I can't identify. Or sometimes it's Health anxieties.
Probably worries about health are probably my biggest triggers although I have a clean bill of health according to the doctor.
I know exactly. My anxiety triggers mainly at night. Very rare does it happen in the day time. But it's definitely bc my first attack ever happened around 11:30pm. That's probably why it always triggers at night. I know what you mean... I'm having a bad episode as I write this. You're not alone... if you need to talk, I'm here.
Hiya I am new to this as well. My panic kicks in at night aswell. I have been reading past and current posts and I have encountered and experienced the majority of the physical symptons And it's horrible....u feel like it's the end of ur life...devastating but the one thing u should know is that it can't kill u and it will pass when it happens try and breathe...