The joyous dizziness is back :(: Hi all, I... - Anxiety Support

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The joyous dizziness is back :(

21 Replies

Hi all,

I hope your all having a nice weekend.... The dizziness is back bad today :( I woke up feeling rubbish and hot and today my dizzy spells keep hitting me out of no where...

What I can't work out is it seems to be worse when I lye down and close my eyes :( it feels like my brain is moving around :(

I'm feeling blugh :( x

21 Replies


ive had this all day too and a lot recently, even without thinking about it im thinking about it causing them to happen all day. its crap i know and is like that lying down, best thing don't over think, go for a walk and clear you mind, worst thing I did was stopping everything because of it and do nothing all day, it got very comfy and I got worse.

Ive managed today and not fell over or fainted, its the mind, but it feels so real so we don't believe it.

sending you positive thoughts xx

Thanks Michelle, hopefully tomorrow will be a better day... I hate it though because I go to bed thinking I wasted today worrying about them :( x

Hi fedup

Well how you describe how it feels is just how I felt the first time I got vertigo , felt like my brain was floating about in my head & when I layed on the pillow it was like it floating round till it settled , unless I moved & then it would start again

Maybe & you would need to see your GP , you could be getting vertigo , which can be caused by the inner ear or an ear infection or cold can bring it on , it maybe worth you asking

Also anxiety can cause dizziness as we no

Hope you are feeling a bit better :-)




Hope u have had a nice evening Hun and tomz is another day :-) I tell myself that every day xx

Hi Whywhy I've seen 2 ENTs and all my results have come back normal... I think if I stop fearing the dizziness it will go... I had my blood pressure checked to the other day after a bad spell and it was perfect so I have a feeling it's anxiety... My ears are feeling blocked tonight so might have a bit of a cold brewing which could be making it worse :(

Hope your well x

in reply to

Oh well it sounds like you anxiety playing you up if you have been checked

Maybe as colds are going about you might be coming down with something or I no when my anxiety has been bad for weeks I can get so run down I feel I am catching something yet its just that I have worn myself out !

Until you suffer with anxiety you would never believe what symptoms it can cause & then when you do you can struggle to believe how you feel can be anxiety !

Try & remember that you have had these feelings before been checked over & they wouldnt give you the all clear if there was anything wrong

Hope it settles down


Thanks Why Why :) we will all get there soon!! I conquered the orthodontist today so at least I've had one positive :) x

in reply to

Oh well done , I no what a big thing that must be

I only went to the dentist & had the smallest filling & that took it out of me

So it is a positive & thats what you need to keep looking at as I see a lot of positives you do , going to work everyday feeling as you do is fantastic


Bigguy profile image

Ok I've been dizzy for almost 18 months I have spoken to a friend who has now completed recovered from Anxioty and panic . dizziness was the first think that came along for her and the last to leave also I get more dizzy when I'm stressed about stuff and then if I let it and I do now I just let it I might get more Anxioty and when I do I come on here and I say so :-)

My last few days have been very bad but I think I'm feeling better just wanted to share that with you as I think the Dizznes is stress so empty your stress bucket a bit :-) here is a double hug as you and I share the shame thing smile at it in the face and Say hi dizzy me I'm stressed ou and breath breath and breath again

Fadiejew profile image
Fadiejew in reply to Bigguy

I hope you're feeling better, I've also had dizziness for weeks now it's like my brain is moving inside my skull, my vision has also been affected specially my left eye I've done eye exams and everything came back feels like you're always floating and your vision is affected almost like a feeling of being "detached" from the real world , it's crazy!!!!!!!!!

in reply to Fadiejew

It's really not very pleasant, I've had loads of tests so have to tell myself it's anxiety and conquer that! Problem is when you feel awful it's just difficult to tell yourself it's anxiety :(

Fadiejew profile image
Fadiejew in reply to

its difficult to believe that anxiety can cause these symptoms

in reply to Bigguy

Hi Bigguy, just wondering how your friend managed to completely recover from anxiety - can she share any tips as I too suffer from anxiety and all the associated physical symptoms such as dizziness, palpitations, aching neck and shoulders, fast heartbeat, fatigue, general aches and pains :-( xx

Hi Bigguy, is your dizziness like quite bad?? My well I feel is quite strong and really really scares me :( x

in reply to

my gets bad when stressed out too, I find if I relax it does die down abit. try not to get scared or it fuels it more, easier said then done I no xx

Mysteryreader profile image

This may sound really stupid as I know anxiety can cause severe dizzyness. But are you having pain when you wee or going to wee a lot. The reason why I ask is because urinary infections can cause dizzyness. I had a bad one a few years ago and the room just kept spinning. It got so bad i was also feeling nauseous. I couldn't actually get out of bed. As I was on my own at the time I phoned my other half who suggested I called 999. I did this and after tests I was given strong antibiotics which eventually worked.

Nope nothing like that... I've had a whole host of blood tests which all came back normal :) thanks for suggesting it though... Unfortunately I'm pretty sure it's just anxiety... For example went shopping today, dizzy throughout shopping, as soon as I was out and in the car the dizziness has gone! X

babyhippo67 profile image
babyhippo67 in reply to

Oh my god. I get this also. I go into a shop and get really. Dizzy.

Have to leave a.s.a.p. and once am back in the car driving-I am fine.No dizziness at all.Been uffering anxiety now for 3years and have had dizziness for around 2years(on and off)

Sometimes the dizziness lasts for days/weeks even.Had loadsa blood tests done-nothing wrong.Even my eyes were tested-nothing.

It's all anxiety. xx

Bigguy profile image

yes it can be quite bad and yes it scares me if I let it but I think its just the anxiety myself, e all get different things symptoms I mean some the same and some not, I fnd relaxation distraction breathing all helps think of it like this if you can the more you worry the more you feel try except is here another of my symptoms I get a taste in my mouth and another one is last year I did something to my shoulder that has left my finger numb when my anxiety is bad my finger throbs its like an early warning system lol when I lye down in bed I feel the bed is tipping me out a little ou yea my least fav is the fuzzey head its like nothing I can describe other than a fuzzing feeling now I feel dizzy doing this but its only my feelings I hope this helps xx Stu

Fadiejew profile image

its difficult to believe that anxiety can cause these symptoms

clipper1111 profile image

Doctors are not good at diagnosing dizziness issues. I went to a functional neurologist and physio. I have dizziness/vertigo/anxiety/fatigue/muscle aches/blurred vision etc. and was diagnosed with BPPV or vestibular disorder. That part of the brain that controls balance is right beside the area that controls limbic system, so emotions, anxiety, depressioln etc. all get out of whack. The fix is not antidepressants which is what the medical community pushes. I'm doing brain based therapy and metabolic treatment. BPPV treatments can be found on the web. I hope this helps someone as I went 8 months feeling like crap and thought I was going crazy. There are natural treatments for the symptoms associated with dizziness as well such as peppermint oil, ginger , deep breathing etc.

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