I've had bad anxiety for a few years now and always manage to find something wrong with my health..(when nothing is wrong). Anyway a few weeks back I started becoming aware of my heart beat and it annoyed me for weeks. I could feel it all the time unless I was moving, now 2 weeks later I keep having what feels like a skipped beat every now and again..some days it's worse than others. My family keep telling me it's because I am over aware of my heart and I bring on these flutters myself by thinking about them. Thing is I don't feel like I'm thinking about them..even though my subconscious will be as ive worried about it a great deal...but when I do it does make them worse. Has anybody else experienced this and could somebody please tell me if this is all due to anxiety and the vicious circle it causes. also had ECG and it was fine the same as my last one 3 years ago. blood test for thyroid was also fine..sorry to ramble. any response is appreciated.