Hi guys, I'm 16 years of age and I'm a male.
I've been experiencing some heart palpitations and sometimes chest pains that hurt so bad it travels to my left arm and back. My vision sometimes double, sometimes it gets really blurry and bright. I keep feeling like imma die. I love my life! My heart feels like it skips a beat, sometimes stop for a few seconds or even pounds so hard I can see it through my chest its races as fast as it would when you smoke pot. I don't smoke anymore. But when I have these symptoms I feel like its gonna be cardiac arrest or faint. I'm really scared, my mother took me to the hospital repeated times and they checked my blood sugar, my vitals they gave me a EKG, along with a ct scan and a X ray. They said no signs of heart attack, no signs of stroke and they said everything was fine. I was then taken to a cardiologist where they said my heart was fine that it was just the walls of my heart that caused pain. I even have tunnel vision sometimes and I'm loosing weight rapidly without exercise, my skin color has change dpinto a darker shade, I'm constantly worried about my life and thinking that it could be a disease or something. But doctors said everything was fine. My back hurts and it travels to my chest followed by a tingling feeling in my chest and sometimes my head. I get short of breath and start to hyperventilate. My eyes feel like they aren't focused and I'm constantly demanding different test, like a full body MRI and eye exams. I have short hair but it falls out constantly. This has effected my daily life. I'm not the same anymore. I don't wanna die. What is this? Please help me. God speed.