Anxiety is getting worse , my health is getting worse , I have no motivation for life and today my girlfriend the only person I have left in this word broke up with me . I'm so done
Can't cope anymore : Anxiety is getting... - Anxiety Support
Can't cope anymore

Hi ct17
Sorry to hear your having such a tough time, have you spoken to anyone about how your feeling? Your doctor may advise, give treatment etc, you have to hang in there.theres many people here who can relate to your struggle, so don't feel completely alone x
Don't give up it's not worth it. Think of a parent a nephew or anyone the loves you or looks up to you. They need you and you're gonna recover. Trust me.
Stay strong but make sure you speak to someone about this. There are plenty of support groups to help you. You are not alone x
Thank you everyone I'm starting to come around to my senses abit now , can't thank everyone enough for their responses . I'm still feeling rough but have hope. Just it's hard to live like this
Ct17. You may not realise it but it is days like that which help towards your recovery. You may now hear a little voice in your head saying "if I can get through this day, I can get through anything that anxiety can throw at me." You have experienced the very worst and that will be as bad as it gets. You now have sown the seed of confidence which will begin to sprout and grow, getting stronger as time goes by. It is also the voice that tells you to carry on and to stop trying to control the anxiety which keeps people stuck in the anxiety cycle.
When you think you have hit rock bottom, it is a very good place to be because it now means there is only one way for you to go now my friend, and that way is up. Onwards and upwards to recovery and to reap the benefits of your harvest.
Best wishes
Tay, don’t EVER give up. Tomorrow is a new day, and you never know what wonderful things it could bring to you. If not tomorrow, maybe it will happen the next day, or the next....but it WILL happen. I think it was Tom Hanks in one of his movies who said ‘never give up...because tomorrow is a new day and you never know what will come in on the tides’. I’ve told my kids this numerous times and it’s true. Something could come in any day and bring many great things with it that will change your life for the better, permanently! Hang in there. Trust me...if I can do it, then you definitely can!