Can anyone help can't cope with anxiety an... - Anxiety Support

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Can anyone help can't cope with anxiety anymore!

Donnaann1 profile image
24 Replies

Iv been on clomipramine 10mg for 4 month as I suffer from obsessive thoughts and anxiety and just recently went up to 20mg, prior to this I was on escitalopram for 9 month which stopped working. I have had the most horrendous anxiety for the past 2 year and trying different medications which have only made it worse, iv tried venlafaxine, citalopram, fluvoxamine, fluoxetine, fluoxetine and I'm ready to give up, what's the point in living anymore with this every day, the only thing that has gotten better is my obsessive thinking. But the anxiety is still terrible, nothing works. I can't live like this.

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Donnaann1 profile image
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24 Replies
Donnaann1 profile image

I don't even think my doctor would give me it, iv also asked them for things that are not addictive like gabapentin/pregablin, as iv tried one of those before and they seemed to help me( was given one from a friend). It's horrible being like this all the time, it never used to be this bad a few years ago and there's nothing else gone on that could of made it worse. I'm actually at my wits end! It's so hard to sit with anxiety when it's severe you just can't do it.

Helen101 profile image
Helen101 in reply to Donnaann1

I am having terrible morning anxiety every morning when I wake up...I feel thoughts what needs to be done..I am single mom of 8 year old daughter and I work 5 days a week.

I am not sure what to do next.

Donnaann1 profile image

That seems to happen to me a lot also I get relief for a couple of weeks starting new medication and then it's back again!

Donnaann1 profile image

Thanks I just wish they would give me something like gabapentin

Donnaann1 profile image

Really? I found it helped my anxiety iv only taken a few from a friend on occasion but they definitely calm me down, iv suggested them to my doctor before but she just said "let's wait and see". Absolutely hopeless doctors!

Donnaann1 profile image

Yeah! Everyone is definitely wired differently, it's like my doctor says clomipramine is good for anxiety and most of her patients have had success with it, yet I haven't! I think I must be wired up totally wrong!

AileenT profile image
AileenT in reply to Donnaann1

Actually, the dosage is quite small: you might even do well with it, at an adjusted dosage. Clomipramine I don't recall being particularly pole-axed when I was prescribed a heftier dose for depression... truly, the difference in how sedative similar but diferent meds are is crazy.

Donnaann1 profile image
Donnaann1 in reply to AileenT

Did u ever have a ringing in ears on clomipramine?

Donnaann1 profile image

Thank you so do I!

Donnaann1 profile image

Thank you you too! 😊

Hi when it takes over it's hard .have you seen a psychologist.or been on and courses through doctors or community wellbeing teams at surgery ask doctor courses are usually 8 weeks once a week and very helpful.and understanding how illness works etc.

Pregablin I get for nerve pain .don't try them they are strong

Donnaann1 profile image

I'm waiting for cbt again iv had it 5 times and it was helpful once

Donnaann1 profile image

Gabapentin is a miracle drug I know I shouldn't take it without my doctors permission but I take one occasionally of my anxiety gets too much to cope with and they work, but how do I explain that to my doctor?

Tempestteapot profile image

I really feel for you, Donna! My very excellent psychiatrist explained to me that the reason pregabalin and gabapentin are used sparingly is because they are extremely difficult to withdraw from for anxiety sufferers, and tolerance builds quite quickly when used for this indication, meaning doses need to be raised frequently. They are not easy long-term drugs for anxiety!

Would your psych. consider a PRN of diazepam just for high anxiety episodes? This is what I have, and I use it sparingly.

I almost loathe to suggest this, but a low dose of 25mg Quetiapine am and pm (an antipsychotic) may be an option. It's used off licence for anxiety in small doses. I tried it during a particularly intense flare of my PTSD symptoms, but didn't love it as it knocked out ALL feelings for me and I can't live in that state. I am very sensitive to quite small doses of medications, though!

Ktbm profile image
Ktbm in reply to Tempestteapot

Hi ive been on 200mg of Quipine for over a year now my Anxiety is really high its interesting u say it took all your feelings away. What do u mean by this.? Thanks

Donnaann1 profile image

So if you were given that the dose would need raising all the time? That's disappointing isn't it? I see my psychiatrist again for a follow up this month I'm going to have to ask for something because I feel like there's nothing left to try, I really don't know what else there is, the clomipramine has only helped with obsessive thinking but nothing else and I don't want to keep raising my dose because it makes me feel like an emotionless zombie.

Tempestteapot profile image

Hi, Ktbm. I felt very 'flat' on the quetiapine and couldn't be bothered to do anything. In fact - it made me pretty depressed even at that small dose!😮

Donna - there are quite a few posts over at NoMorePanic about tolerance to pregabalin/gabapentin.

Have you ever tried Mirtazipine by the way?

Donnaann1 profile image
Donnaann1 in reply to Tempestteapot

I tried it once but I found it too sedating and couldn't wake up in the morning, the drowsiness lasted up until mid afternoon, not good when you have kids to look after.

Ktbm profile image
Ktbm in reply to Tempestteapot

I find the Quiepine helps a lot and I'm on a low dose compared to most ppl. The worse I get is a dry mouth for a bit after taking them. But hey we are all different and respond differently . What works for one won't work for the other. I take a high dose of Lithium and Diazapam too but manage to function fine on it all. I've been on so many different meds in 4 years these 3 meds are the only ones that keep me balanced .

Donnaann1 profile image

I was reading up about trimipramine which can also be used for ocd/anxiety surely there must be other ones to try?

AileenT profile image

That is very poor, ineffective "treatment" for anxiety: most or all of these are not anxiolytics, but anti-depressants.

A few are Well-known to Cause or Increase anxiety, i.e, Fluoxetine (and any of the other SSRI antidepressants).

There are several "older" antidepressant meds, tricyclics and similar, which altho maybe used less for depression can relieve anxiety - but beware!! They vary hugely in the level of tiredness and exhaustion some of them can induce at too high a dose - to the point you're barely able to function.

Another angle, which gives dramatic relief to many, is beta-blockers.

The most commonly used is Propanolol, and they work by removing the Physical symptoms of anxiety - pounding heart, breathless, sweat, shaky, etc.

It's astonishing the dramatic positive feedback loop set up between body and emotion. It can feel like a miracle.

Diazepam is being actively and rapidly phased out of use - in Scotland anyway - it's unlikely you'd get something ike that.

But, if yr doctor will not deal with this crippling problem effectively, maybe you should not be with that doctor....

All good wishes, Aileen.

Tempestteapot profile image
Tempestteapot in reply to AileenT

Aileen, I get Diazepam from my psychiatrist here in Scotland. It's on a discretionary basis here if monitored by a psych. so it is still available.

Donnaann1 profile image

Saw my gp two days ago who told me that clomipramine is for ocd and not really for anxiety and depression, I have explained that everything I have tried gives me worse anxiety and nothing has ever helped and she agreed that I need something to go with an antidepressant rather than just one thing, I feel like iv finally been listened to! She has written to my psychiatrist to see what he suggests as I don't think I can stay on this clomipramine as the higher dose is giving me a Terrible high pitched ringing in my ears!

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