I have been suffering from anxiety for 6 months now and It just seems to be getting worse. I am having really bad tent ion headaches this week and am convinced I have a brain tumour. Everytime I think about it I feel as if I'm going to pass out on the spot.. just want to be normal again.
Can't cope with this anymore: I have been... - Anxiety Support
Can't cope with this anymore

Its horrible when you feel this bad , I no & I no how you are feeling
I to have migraines & worried I have BT , went to see a neurologist & they said not
Anxiety does cause bad headaches , the tension etc
Also as I keep telling myself it would be the longest BT in history
Sorry I didnt look but have you been to see your GP , if not do & even if you have go back & tell them how you feel
Everyone is here for you
Hi Cleo
Anxiety can cause tension then the headaches which in turn makes the mind start running away with ideas.
If this continues perhaps having a word with the Doctor will help put your mind at rest. Its horrible when you feel this way. Are you on any medication? hope you dont mind me asking?
Hope the headaches subside soon. best wishes and like whywhy said everyone is here to support and help you.
Love Seyi xxx
Hello, I haven't been to the doctors yet about the headaches but I'm thinking of going to have it checked out because its really worrying me. I'm not on any medication at the moment for my anxiety because I didn't want to go down that road but as I seem to be getting worse, I don't know what to do for the best. X
I am sure the headaches will be stressed related , the amount I get & migraines with the aura as well , I can understand the fear you are feeling , but like I said its very doubtful , as something more would have happened I have been getting this for four years , some are hormones with me the rest I do believe is anxiety , but if you speak to your GP , hopefully they will put your mind at rest
also I understand about meds , me also I don't want them , there are herbal things you can take , & you could have counselling . lots have not taken meds & counselling has worked , ask while you are there , explain or write down what you are feeling
The other side is though , meds can be helpful , & it can be short term it doesn't have to be forever & people have great things to say about them , again when you see your GP you can talk this through
I no its easy for me to say don't worry , the more you do those headaches will stay
Let us no how you go on

I will go and see the doctor to see what she can do for me. I'm fed up of trying to control this. some days I'm perfectly happy and think, that's it no more anxiety but then it hits me again and always when I'm somewhere I can't escape from. I find it hard to explain how I'm feeling to my family as they just tell me, it will OK....but they don't understand fully how much I'm struggling to cope with this. X
I think that's a good idea , write down what you want to say , that way you wont forget anything or if you start to struggle just pass it to them , plenty of us have done that
Let us no how you go on
Try not to feel down about family not understanding , they will love you , its because this is on the inside & cant be seen if you have never felt this , its hard for people , but you will always be understood on here

Thank you very much for your advice, I will let you know how I get on. I can't believe how many people also suffer from this and how many different symptoms there are, I seem to be making my way through them all xx