Hi All;
I am new to this forum and figure to give it a try. I am 22 years old and currently been feeling terrible.
It started about 2 weeks ago that I started feeling dizzy, lightheaded, weak, nauseated, and feeling of fainting.
Little bit about me I have had anxiety since I was 12 and it was medical related. Since then it has grown into social and still medical related. I do take antidepressants. I have also been working as of now but it is temp work. Meaning I don't get benefits from the place I work which scares me as this is my second temp job and I am almost at the age of getting off my parents insurance and being uninsured.
About a month into the place I work, one of the mangers told us we were going to be let go (I work in a group) out of our contract which made me feel a range of emotions to anger from sadness. A week after I started having abnormal bowel movements. After 3 weeks of my weird bathroom times I decided to go to the doc. After speaking with him he diagnosed me with IBS.
Because of that I didn't eat breakfast and lunch for three weeks after my IBS diagnose. I was too afaird to eat and have to urgently go in public. In addition I don't eat well and I am making a change of that. I used to eat a lot of candy & drink a lot of soda but that changed. I do drink a pop or two a day but that's the only bad thing I consume. Now two ago when at work I felt extremely ill. I went to the ER and told him I felt faint. I told him my concern that I might have diabetes as I eat poorly. When he took my blood (fasting) it was at 102. He said he was not concerned about it. I also had a blood test for a routine check up and they called back and they stated that everything was fine expect my vitamin b was low. As of writing this now I still feel dizzy and worry that it might be diabetic related and not anxiety even though the my physician and ER doc where not concerned. When I feel like I am going to faint I feel dizzy, lightheaded, sometimes weak and nauseated.
I do suffer from aniexty as I was too afaird to leave my house for a year until I sought out a phycologist. Unfortunately due to my budget as well as my parents wishes I can't see any pshycologists anymore because they think they are only interested in their money.
I do not know what it is whether it is diabetic or anxiety related or something more serious