When I was younger I had such bad anxiety but this "panic" feeling is AWFUL. I can't take it anymore. I really can't. Doctors, er, pyhcs, therapists, meds, no meds...nothing helps. Feeling like I just need to vent today...
Can't stand it: When I was younger I had... - Anxiety Support
Can't stand it

Hi Aliciag, that's okay to vent, we all need it at some time. Maybe even a scream or punch a pillow. Conventional methods sometimes can't release the ongoing panic. We are always hear to listen, to support and understand. xx Pent up anxiety the worse
I'm a veteran and I'm now over it; it doesn't control me anymore, even though I have bouts of worrying about my health when something hurts - you know...
Well, I can suggest something you maybe haven't tried yet - something that helped me a great deal... Acceptance. Like, don't try to get rid of the anxiety or the panic! I know it's like asking you to start accepting and even like the salt on an open wound. But hear this: Sit quietly in moments of anxiety and try to analyze the energies within your body - like the heaviness in your head, the fullness in your chest, the knots in your throat and stomach, etc. Scan your body from head to toe and where you find energies or "feelings" of any kind, try to stay with them and describe them from a neutral point of view, like "pink, moist, round energy inside my stomach". Then let them be there and stay with them, analyzing them until you feel them fading. Expect them to come back and when they do, stay with them again, even appreciate these feelings for the humanness they grant you.
The other thing that helped me a lot when Zoloft and Prozac failed: St.John;s Wort. It's an herb and first approach for anxiety and depression in Germany and other countries. Don't expect it to make you happy like a million $; no (legal) pill can ever do that. But after just two days (not 6 weeks like Prozac), you can't panic anymore. You can't enter that low, burdensome level of depression either. Take the 1200mg morning and evening and try to panic about something the next day, I dare you!
PS - Did you know that panic and excitement are the exact same reaction within the body, but perceived differently? Think of rollercoasters... What some experience as excitement others experience as panic and fear.
I know the feeling all too well. I hadn't had much change when I used to take meds. I've contemplated going back on them because my anxiety is back. I've noticed one thing that naturally does help.. To be distracted. To not be alone as much as possible. For me, the beach works wonders. I live at the beach, so I'll go down to the ocean and it's like instant medicine. If you don't live near the beach, talk to a friend, keep your mind distracted by positive things only. Do that as much as possible and you'll feel better.
Hi Alicaig
It is a horrible feeling, I really hope you can get a bit of peace every now and then.
I am a bit low on positive vibes at the moment, but am happy you send one of the remaining ones out to you.
Thanks so much everyone! This group is just so awesome. I'm so happy I found it and found people that get me