Since my anxiety journey started, I've had a wide range of symptoms: constant nausea, heart racing, headaches and migraines, insomnia, sweaty hands and feet, tingling, light headedness and more. The list could go on.
I have had times during this last 3 years where I felt like my anxiety was completely gone. And then it somehow shows back up in my life and it feels like I lose control. All those symptoms come back and I fall into this pit where I think it's never going to stop even though I've witness myself crawl out of that hole time and time again. It's crazy that even though you know you're in control you can still lose.
I've been very good with my anxiety for the last year and a half, last month I lost it after being ill for a few days. I'm currently just feeling restless and fed up and even a bit ashamed, what is the point of trying to get out of this rut if I will just be thrown back into it? Thanks for the support guys!