Anyone else wonder if they are going to lose their mind from anxiety. I know I have felt like this in the past and got over it and healthy minded again but that was 20 years ago. I'm so frightened. I'm losing weight and not eating as much as I used to. I know anxiety can do that or the reverse. I do eat but it's like I'm not hungry. Is my stomach just filled with anxiety. Can someone give me a cure for all of this. Sitting here shaking and feeling so anxious. So many worries so much uncertainty. I feel like I want to just sit in a part of the house where no one can see me to keep them from being down and worried about me. I dont want to interject any of this into their lives or as little as possible. I know it's all anxiety and worry but I just cant help feeling like it. I have the weight of the world on my hands and I cant get it to stop. Daughter needs a ride home right now and I dont have the peace of mind to go get her. Please pray for me to get past this and be well.
Anxiety so bad! Comfort appreciated! - Anxiety Support
Anxiety so bad! Comfort appreciated!

Hi Anxiety Man
Have you ever thought of seeking therapy and getting good anti anxiety meds. That's what I did and it worked for me
God bless. It will get better

Hi Danielle, I havent tried any therapy other than speaking to you all on here. Went to see my doc but he wouldnt alter my meds to allow more. I wanted to go from 1 mg of ativan to 2mg but he refused the idea. Perhaps there is something better out there but he didnt suggest anything. Just told me this was brought on by Job loss and that it would have to run its course. So much negativity in my thoughts. Cant get any real peace to do anything other than to sit in spot and dwell. I need a better medication to assist perhaps.

what medication has helped you? I am on Lexapro 20mg, remeron 7.5mg and klonopin 1mg. Trying to wean off the remeron and klonopin now since I have gained 30 lbs. I recently started taking CBD oil and really thought it was helping at first but then today I am really anxious. I get nausea from the anxiety and a bad feeling like I am going crazy. I would just love to go back to the person I was before this all started. I was so happy and loved my life. Now I just struggle to survive.
Hi Cortisolqueen, have read that CBD oil can actually worsen symptoms in some. Perhaps stop taking for a while & see if you feel the benefit
You will get back there. Everyone does eventually. I take ativan 1 mg twice a day. A little more lately. I take paxil as well but I really dont think it does anything for me. I continue to take it as I need to wean off on to something diff. I have cbd lik as well. Took some yesterday for the first time in a long while. Not sure if it helped or hindered as I only had it once. There have been many people be successful with it. I guess it's like everything else. You have to find what's right for you. The struggle is very real but you will make it.
I know how your feeling, it can become scary at times, I've been going through the worst anxiety I've had in years just lately, i just can't relax my body at all. It does make you feel like your losing your mind at times, just know your not alone, this might sound stupid but keep a bottle of water nearby and as soon as you feel that feeling start creeping up, keep taking little sips of water, it has a bit of a calming effect, it's what I have resorted to doing again, my anxiety is at the stage where I think about something, my heads down in my hands and I'm crying, it's years since I've been through this kind and I feel like ripping my hair out with frustration. Do try the sipping water it won't cure your anxiety but it does soothe the symptoms for a short while
Thank you for your reply. Not sure if the water will do the trick or not. Too anxious to do anything other than worry. I need to do things I know but I just cant. I need a better medication or more of what I'm taking. Sometimes I can feel a slight relief for an hour sometimes I can manage longer sometimes I just cant. Like right now is very difficult to get out of my head and worries. So sad.
Just wondering how you are doing. Your story is very close to mine. The past 2 months have been he'll to say the least. Every morning I wake up with fear, worry and physical symptoms. I'm on Effexor xr generic and its worked for me in the past but since I've upped my dose twice in the last 2 months my worry is uncontrollable. Its like my brain is running 100 miles an hour and I can't think of anything good. My doc says I haven't given the meds enough time so I'm hopping it will kick in soon. I too feel like I'm looking my mind!
Still holding on. Easier at night. Have been prescribed wellbutrin day 5. Hoping it helps. Day time worries are the very worst. God bless you. Look for the book "at last a life" by Paul David. There are many good things in there. Good luck.
It will help, it takes time. I am starting to notice the benefits on week 5 of Effexor. I was prescribed Trazadone for sleep and so far its helped. The mornings are still the most noticeable for anxiety. I fired my therapist and now I have an appointment with a more experienced one next Monday.
Good luck to you as well and hang in there. You will be back to yourself soon!
That is my biggest fear...going crazy. I have been told over and over again by doctors that I am not going crazy and it is just anxiety but dear Lord it is hard to believe.
Oh AnxietyMan, we all feel your pain. Anxiety at it's highest and at it's best. You may
not realize that you have already taken a step forward by recognizing this feeling as
Anxiety. Many people, including myself spent years in doctor shopping looking for a
medical reason. The shaking, the anxiousness, feeling the weight of the world on your
shoulders can be lowered. Medication helps but it's not the full answer. Only you have
control over these sensations and mind ruminating thoughts.
There may not be an answer right now in solving your problems but you can reduce the
stress from them by using alternative methods. Breathe....Yes breathe. One of the
simplest ways in calming the mind and the body. You don't just breathe and it disappears.
You BREATHE...learning the proper way in allowing your body to take in the oxygen it needs to function. Upon slow long exhalation of your breath, it reduces the levels of
adrenaline within moments. I agree with "OnlyMe" in that water/hydration is important
as well.
Finding other methods that may work for you from Mindfulness to Self-Hypnosis, Meditation, Imagery, Acupuncture, Yoga, Massage...the list goes on and on. What works
for one doesn't for another. But it's out there with your name on it. Know that whatever
it is will only work if you do it repetitively. (not just when you are wound up like a top)
Repetition is the key in changing your behavior and quieting down the over sensitized
nervous system.
My "go to" is YouTube. Here are just 3 videos to get you started until you find what is
best for you.
"Sinking & Slowing Breathing Meditation" by the Quiet Mind Café
"1 minute Quick Breathing Meditation/Let Go of Stress & Anxiety"
by Jason Stephenson
"Mindfulness - 3 minute Meditation"
by the Honest Guys
My best to you AnxietyMan..this is just a start, another step forward,
in eliminating your high power stress. Rather than keep upping your
medication, try upping how many times a day you meditate. Always
with you, no ill side effects and best of all it can and will work. x
I am praying for you now. How old are you and when did this all start? Are you on any medications? I know exactly how you feel. I have been suffering for 3 years now. It hit out of the blue and I have never gotten over it yet. I went to the ER 10 times that first year, I am sure I drove my husband nuts. No matter how much they tried to tell me it is just anxiety I would not believe them.
I'm 41 this started when I lost my job about a month ago. I have a history of anxiety and depression. It was going well up until last month. Now ebryday is just torture with anxiety and worry it just has my mind taken over. Night times feels better but not 100% thank you so much for your prayers for me.
Praying for you, my friend - and for all of us who are similarly afflicted. Take some comfort (hard I know) that this IS all anxiety and that it isn't 'you'. It's those horrible tricks that an over sensitised nervous system likes to play to keep you away from those you love and living life. Don't let it - don't give it more power than it deserves (which is none)! You will get through this - we're all here to help carry you forward.❤
Hi anxiety man . Sorry to hear you are suffering so badly . anxiety really can take over our lives it’s horrible. Thank god for this forum where we can share and support each other. You say you are taking Ativan but your doctor won’t give you a higher dose . I live in Scotland and doctors here are reluctant to prescribe it as it is addictive if taken all the time. However they will prescribe antidepressants as they work to help with anxiety. I am on paroxitine at moment for anxiety and do feel better for taking it , it kicks in about a week after taking it , maybe you could give them a try , I hope you find something to help you get through this and feel better soon . God bless
Thanks for the reply. My grandmother came from the highlands. Tomintowel ot something close to that spelling. I take paxil as well. 40mg. The higher I go with paxil I get weird zappy shock like feelings when I move quickly. I have read that to be a side effect. I take the paxil in the mornings. Paxil I find addictive as well. I have been on ativan since I was 17 years old. For a brief time I was on 2mg redice a day but I moved myself back to 1mg many years ago. I just really need something now to get me back to normal.
Beautiful part of the country Tomintoul . Didn’t realise you were on Paxil as well. Maybe your doctor should consider changing Paxil to another antidepressant as it doesn’t seem to be working very well for you . I sincerely pray you find something to help you . Take care . Blessings x
I have an appointment on Wednesday to talk about meds with a new doctor. My greatest fear is I won't be able to cope and be able to get through my days. The only thing in front of my eyes is worry and despair. Worry worry worry. Evening is the only reprieve and that is still I'm sure just a high function anxiety state. It's not normal normal. Bless you, friend.
I’m pleased you are going to see a new doctor, he may be more understanding and sympathetic towards your anxiety. Please tell him exactly how you are feeling, write down as much as you can before you go so that he understands fully how feel . My heart goes out to you as I know the sheer torment anxiety brings. Take care x
Morning from Belgium
Well I feel for you
I know the feeling
They told me that you mind goes
Like this
The anxiety is high
Better taken a benzo
And go out
Take a walk talk too some one. I know the feeling. I don't know have you something the taken ??? In the house ? Please do.
I fight the same battle
But here I get not much support.
Only one person chat with me the help me
So take care for yourself
Thank you Elfje. I appreciate your comment and feel for you as well. It's good to have a group like this where people can relate and help each other. It's very tormenting times but I have gotten through in the past I just need to keep fighting and understanding that it will go away to the point where I can enjoy life again. I have allot of support from my family but sometimes I just get so lost in my own worries and feel no one can help me but the benzos. I wish you peace in your day and the ability to slowly let yourself feel better. God bless you.
It's here the same you know
Drive me nuts too
I wish really that I put the worries away
Also mine
But please take care for yourself
How long does that weird zappy shock last for is it a few seconds? i get exactly the same that run past my body for literally 2 seconds its a horrible feeling, im on bisraprol 2.5mg
Yes they are quite quick. Like moving quickly would cause it to happen. Sudden movements would sometimes trigger the feeling. It's been a while since I've had it but it was very scary at the time. Added anxiety for sure.
You ever get to the bottom of what it was that caused that? I just feel if I went to my GP and explained that they think I’m nuts
My prayers to you. I can certainly relate to all your concerns about anxiety. You seem to be pretty seasoned in this journey of dealing with anxiety so I know you'll get through this setback again. I to have had my share of setbacks and worries and uncertainty over and over as if I've never been through this. One thing you requested which was prayer, I can certainly agree that prayer works. It has been my savior through my darkest hours. If you would like to see my new broadcast endeavor, I am basically discussing anxiety and my fears and I share my journey. It was my way to share my journey and show who I am so people can see my face. The face of an anxious woman. Check it out if you can. I wish you the best and prayers to you. 🙏🏾
Thank you I will watch and leave another reply once I view it.
Great video. Sorry to hear of your Aunt and the trauma it gave you. You have allot of knowledge and I'm sure the video offers those with no experience with anxiety comfort. Bless you
Thank you. I wish you the best through this. We are family of the struggle. You can always message me if you just want to talk.😊 I still haven't mastered this yet so I'm sure I'll be asking for reassurance too.
Thank you feel free to message as well at any time. Here is a closed Facebook ground that I joined last night. They have a group cut there as well and it seems pretty active.
I am so right with you on this one too Anxiety man. Youre not alone. I am in the thick of it right now as aI type this.
It’s very reassuring to read about other people’s struggles with anxiety. For years I didn’t understand that the strange feelings of heightened self awareness i suffered from was actually a symptom of anxiety. I lived in fear of having another ‘attack’. I’ve been on and off SSRIs over the years, they always seemed to work for me but I’ve been struggling with anxiety for six weeks now and the meds don’t seem to be helping. Just wishing I could get my mojo back, I’ve been loosing weight due to lack of appetite, but wishing I could go back to being my slightly overweight but happy self.
You will get there. I believe in you. I too have no appetite from worry and stress but I force myself to eat as best i can. In the night when I'm less anxious i can eat better so I take advantage of that and keep up as best as possible. It's a fight but with time and acceptance and medication things will turn around for you. Stay positive during the moments in which you can.
Have you tried mindfulness? I would look into the benefits of it and they have the headspace app you can get for free too! It’s great and helps with anxiety. You will be okay I promise ♥️
Been there, Ativan can be addictive, after many years I was given antidepressant..citalopram, which was changed to e-citalopram....changed my life for better...
Spend time in nature, will reduce anxiety..
Worse thing is to lock yourself away...
I have been suffering with debilitating anxiety attacks for years! Then, I was prescribed Clonazepam. It changed my life! I was cured! THEN....due to serious inuuries from a car wreck, I had to go on pain meds. Now, the govt. is telling me that I have to either stop taking the pain meds that keep me from being in physical agony, or, stop taking the Clonazepam, that keeps me from emotional/mental agony.
And, here's the car wreck was in 2006. I have been on this combination of meds for 12 years....with ZERO issues! Butn since many irresponsible people have died from abusing the combination.....I have to now be threatened to stop one of the two. It's a no win situation for me....😢
Sorry to hear this, Len. Thank you for sharing. Please feel well.