Fear is what we've learned by being on this planet. Many of us are on the upper halves as far as intelligence goes, as far as drives and dreams for ourselves go. What we've learned which is to fear symptoms, people, places and things can also be unlearned. Believe it. Fear is an illusion, one that cripples us, and me for many years. I'm here on Valentines day to tell you all not to quit striving for something better in your lives! Don't 'settle' for what you have and who you currently are. I fell into that trap and it nearly cost me my life. I love you all from the bottom of my heart, and want to do everything in my power to help you. Again, DON'T SETTLE, take your first baby step today, out of your comfort zone, build confidence in yourself and your ability to handle fear. Happy V day to you all, big hugs.
The Anxiety Guy