I first experienced anxiety and fear of dying when I was seven years old. My mum told me one night I woke up thinking that I was dying and couldn't breath at 3 o'clock in the morning so my mum had to take me to the local doctor and straight away he said I had anxiety. This anxiety attack followed many more. When I was a child I was always listening to adults conversations all the time, and paid especial attention when someone died and what they died from. Normally a child wouldn't worry about these kind of issues, but I did, I will listen to every detail how the person died, the symptoms, what he/she was doing, the words he/she said before dying. Then I would keep all this information ,analyze it, and then I will feel all the symptoms of the person that died. My mum didn't want to take much notice of the symptoms I was getting, and my sisters were not willing to listen to me, and would tell me off about feelings and fear of dying. So I didn't get much support, I felt very alone, until I met a friend at school suffering with the same symptoms, and felt much better about it and had great support from her. What I don't understand is why my sisters that grew up in the same family environment as myself, same mother and father, never developed anxiety, they don't have health fears or fears in general, and why am I so different to them? In my case I still don't know what influence me to became an anxious person.
Do you know why you have become an anxious person? Did any of your close family members suffered from health anxiety ? What do you think triggered your anxiety and fears?