basically, i have generalized anxiety disorder which is where someone worries about anything and everything. I have an amazing boyfriend who i love very much and he loves me but recently we had a bad argument to the point of us nearly ending a 8 month relationship (our month anniversary today:D) we have sorted that out but i still worry about us. I worry about if people have died if they don't reply to my texts or messages , i worry about going home after school or work for fear of my family having a go at me for something i haven't done, i worry about what people think of me at school and dance used to be the only thing i could do without worrying what people thought of me but even now i have started to worry what people think of my body as i am not as thin as the other dancers. i have many panic attacks in a day that sometimes i can't even count at the end of the day and always feel as though i need to be any one apart from myself to make sure that people around me don't think there is anything wrong. All my friends think i am a really confident and loud person but that is to cover up my anxiety. I have always been quite anxious and would worry about people a lot more than other people do but probably about a year ago it got alot worse after i finished my gcse exams as i worried i didn't put enough effort in and i was in a relationship at the time that was abusive and he always put me down and made me feel like shit and after a while i started to believe it although i didn't want to but when you hear it so many times you just assume you are ugly, fat, annoying, ect. i have tried to talk to people at school about my problem but i find it really really hard to talk to anyone face to face about it for fear of them thinking im a weirdo and judge me because as human beings we are all very judgemental. i know i need help but i just need help to get help. its like a vicious cycle and i don't know what to do anymore.
please help, i don't know what to do! - Anxiety Support
please help, i don't know what to do!

The 'Get Help' section of our website is a good place to start exploring the support available to you:
'Talking Therapies' such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Clinical Hypnotherapy and Counselling are some of the most effective tools for treating anxiety disorders. You can find out more about them here:
I think you may also find it useful to look into our membership services. This costs £30 a year. For this you get access to a community of like-minded people who are suffering with anxiety issues but are attempting to manage them as much as possible. You will receive a quarterly magazine that has all the most up to date information of what’s going on in the world of anxiety research. Alongside this you have access to a variety of Specialist Helplines. There is also an opportunity for members to access therapy through ourselves.
The doctor who i went to see did tell me that cbt would be helpful for me and gave me a few websites to refer myself but they were all over 18 and haven't been back because i am worrying that he thinks im a weirdo and crazy although i know he wouldn't because he is professional but i can't help thinking it!
O love firstly you are not a weirdo. you are a special unique person. You will find many folks on this site who have the same fears as you. Look deep and find your inner strength. We won't judge you. Sending a big hug x
Hi EmEm
If you are under 18 go back to Dctors and ask to be referred to the local camhs (child and adolescent mental health service)
You will have an assesment with a social worker who should be able to help with counselling or give you advice and support.
You are certainly not a weirdo theres many many young ppl suffering with similar things.
Is there a school counseller you could talk to in the meantime?
Love mimii x
Agree with mini, my daughter is 15 and goes to camhs it's really helping her anxiety and depression xxxx