Anxiety, I laugh in your face because you are an imposter. You make us think we have cancer when it's nothing of the sort. You make us think we have heart failure when our hearts are good and strong. You make us think we are about to die when we've decades of good life ahead. And when doctors tell us that all is well you sow seeds of doubt in our minds.
Anxiety, for all your bluff and bluster and the bad feelings you give to me and my friends you are really a Big Nothing. You cannot kill us, you cannot cripple us and you can't make us lose our mind. I have nothing but contempt for you and your bullying ways. I laugh in your face.
I think of all the good times, good jobs, good relationships that you have soured with your mean and spiteful ways. But you have a weak spot - and I know your secret.
Anxiety, you may be my nemesis but I am yours. I know your Achilles Heel, I know how to destroy you and as time passes more and more of my friends here come to know it too. All we have to do is stop fighting you and show our contempt for your tricks and treachery by accepting for the time being all the bad feelings you hurl against us with less and less fear as each day goes by. Fear is food and drink to you, it provides you with the sustenance you need to attack us. When we deny you that fear you soon weaken and die.
Anxiety, you are really a Big Nothing. You don't show up on X-rays and scans; even with the most powerful microscopes in the world you are nowhere to be seen. Why then should we fear a Nothing?
Anxiety, you are a Nothing and a Nobody and I laugh in your face!
(Re-posted with revisions from June 2017).