Can't cope with these heart palps anymore..... Could f*****g scream
Heart palps: Can't cope with these heart... - Anxiety Support
Heart palps

i know hwo that feels ugh it so annoying!!!!!!! Mines are getting better after i was put on xanax to help with the palp i just have neck pain now and its giving me headaches

Xanax ??? That a US drug ? Honestly feel like I'm gonna die or at very least heart's gonna pop out my chest 😳😔. Really getting me down x
I had it during the day when i was laying down or just sittin peacefully. Then it would come during my time of sleep and would wake up 3am 5 am and i would go into a panic. So they gave me it to calm my anxiety and palp. Its called alprazolam

Causes so much panic x
Ji know love i know.. Its horrible i wish i can take it all away from everyone who suffers from it. Its a scary experience and it affects your life. I thought my life was ruined but when i took action and told the Dr. I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE they took me very seriously. PEOPLE have committed suicide because of this and they got worried so they perscribed me xanax for my panic disorder. My mind use to always tell me today is going to be a bad day you will have another one your heart eill go so fast it will suddenly stop. I was petrified. I couldnt handle it anymore so i did what i had to do i finally get to see a Primary care Dr. Next Monday you will still be alive today tomorrow the next and many more years. You have to let go of the palp and distract your beautiful mind from panic
Hi, Mrs BO8.... I hope you are a bit better right now... I am sorry you are going through this. I haven't read (could have missed it!) anything from you that says you have been to a dr or are on any kind of medications....
Sorry if you have 'heard this before' but I really hope you DO go to the dr and explain exactly how you feel.... I don't think anything any of us can say will be as calming and comforting to you as what a dr will tell you....
The more you concentrate with fear on your palpitations, the more you will set yourself up for having more. I am NOT 'scolding' you!...because what I say comes from my OWN experience in dealing (or NOT dealing) with what was making me afraid....
Sounds to me like some counseling might also be in order... they can help you SO much....
No idea as to your age or situation, but I just want to wish you the best and PLEASE see a dr. If you have seen one, didn't like the result SEE ANOTHER ONE. You deserve the best...ok? OK!!
Those rough patches (to put them in a nice way! ) can be really horrid.... Would you still please consider talking with a therapist.... sorry to beat the same ol' drum... but sometimes you can discover what is really TRIGGERING this anxiety... sometimes just several sessions of 'talking' can help...just have to be painfully HONEST in everything you tell her/him, though....
Heck, I'm a grandma!...and yet I just discovered several days ago what has been one of my worst triggers.... So you are 'just a kid' to me and I just KNOW you will be fine... give yourself a chance. OK, sermon is over... now turn to hymn number.....
I'm sorry I have the same issue 😥. It's enough to wear anyone out! Thinking of you and I completely understand!!! Wish I could help. Someone else mentioned magnesium to me. I tried it once but I don't think I gave it long enough to help. BIG HUGS!!!☃
I know what your going thru, I have them 24/7 went to see cardiologist today she did an EKG, didn't seem concern going back Wednesday to have an echocardiogram and stress TEST AND gonna put a heart monitor. I'm so sick and tired of feeling like crap, I'm only 52 I want my life back😪I don't know how to feel happy anymore
Hi Normal63
Are you going through the menopause? Palpitations can be one of the symptoms of hormone disruption.

Hi poppy girl , I haven't had a period in 2yrs I get hot flashes once in awhile but that's it. Last year when I went for my yearly ck up I told my Dr all these crazy symptoms I was having he gave me Duvee, it's like hormone therpy, but when I read all the side effects I freaked out so I did take them🤔I'm really scared about taking pills sounds crazy Hun, I take Vitamins 10 kinds lol but not helping!!
Hi There. I know what you mean about taking pills - I don't take them either. Like you I take vitamins and herbs etc. I had a bout of palpitations a while ago but they have cleared up now. Google Vagus nerve problems - it's interesting.
I wore a 24 hour heart monitor and it found no abnormalities. I'm sure yours will go away once you stop worrying about them.

What did you do to help them go away? I suspect my vagus nerve is the culprit as well. So happy you are better!
Hi What Agora has said about eating relates to me and palpitations. I have IBS and more or less after I had eaten they would start!!! It drove me mad and made me very anxious. I went to see a physiotherapist and she realigned my neck and back. She said during the menopause your spine loses muscle due to changes in hormones which can cause vagal nerve problems. I had a few sessions and did the exercises she set me (do them every day) and they have cleared up. I get the odd flutter but nothing compared to what I had. I had them for months day and night - horrible! It may just be worth a try. Regards Jo x

That's great! I go to the chiropractor about once a week and haven't noticed a change. How often did you go for alignments before you noticed a difference?
I had 6 sessions and then she gave me exercises to do to strengthen my back and core at the front. I would say they gradually disappeared over a couple of weeks after finishing the sessions. I don't know what a chiropractor is but I would say you might be better with a physiotherapist - I don't know. It was fairly expensive at £40 a session but worth it as they have not come back.
I can so relate to how you are feeling. I have PVC'S all day, all night. I feel them the worst a while after eating and at night laying down. Been through the tests and have been told they are benign, which helps a little with the anxiety. However, it doesn't take away the fact it feels terrifying like your heart is gonna explode or you can't catch yoir breath or you get lightheaded and panic. Something that is helping me to get to sleep I thought I'd share...taking 1/2 mg melatonin and 1/2 klonopin an hour before bed. It helps to relax my anxieties and gets me sleepy. But I can still feel the damn pvc's which will wake me uo out if the deepest sleep. So I started using a shiatsu massage pillow on my back and for some reason the sensation distracts me from feeling the pvc's and I fall asleep. It's like it counters effects the flutters. I am just starting on magnesium and omega 3's. So hopefully those will help too. Most likely your palps are from stress and it's hard to reduce it, especially while feeling the panic. And it's a vicious cycle...palps, panic, stress, no sleep, more stress, exhaustion, repeat. I hope you can find what works for you. Getting a good nights sleep is a good start though. I wish you the best and to be well soon.
Hi Nrfore, heart flutters feel worse after eating because the full stomach pushes up against the heart and makes you feel the beats. Same when lying down, the heart changes positions enough to make you feel the beat.
It seems like you have some strategies around the erratic beat. Good for you. Take care and feel better soon.
Thank you Agora1. The strategies aren't ideal as I'm not thrilled about pharmaceuticals but I'm hoping in time I can phase then out. I suspected what you said about different positions and the pressures on the heart. I also feel the vagus nerve is a factor. I just think it's so great to know we aren't alone when that's exactly how you feel at times.