does anyone else get this feeling like there heart feels like its gonna stop when they try drift off to sleep? like it will wake u up when ur about to fall asleep, or the feeling of it beating slow and harder like its going to jump out our chest, then u wake up and gasp for air even though im not breathless. idk its really scarying me. idk if it has anything to do with me being ill and even more anxoius
anyone else? heart ):: does anyone else get... - Anxiety Support
anyone else? heart ):

It’s just anxiety just think happy before you sleep I know it’s hard but try and your should be fine
For years I've had this when I'm not on medication for anxiety. Are you still taking the anxiety prescription from your doctor? Remember, it's not uncommon to have to try several different ones before you find the one that works best for you. You can also ask for something to help you get to sleep on nights when you're feeling extremely anxious. You just have to be vocal to your doctor and tell them how you feel and that you want to try something different because what you're doing currently isn't working.
Also, have you ever heard of ASMR videos? I thought it was wacky at first, but the sound of magazine and book pages turning, like in a library, has always soothed me. I find a video of those sounds on YouTube and before I know it I'm sound asleep. Maybe think of a sound you like whether it's train, traffic, typing, ocean waves or anything and you'll probably find a video of it.
no i am taking my meds, it happens most of the time when i actually take my med, but last night was the worst... my heart was constatly beating fast, misses beats and extra beats, sometimes in a row all in one till i have to cough for it to stop laying in certain positions makes it worse aswell. idk if its because im ill and more anxoius than usual or what
It sounds like ectopic beats. Mine are always worse when I have a cold or chest infection. I think you should definitely tell your doctor the anxiety meds you're on aren't helping. You've been on them several months now and you should have noticed a considerable difference by now.
The heartbeats are annoying, especially when you're sensitive to each and every one. I get them so often that when my heart does beat normally and I can't feel it, I freak out sometimes because I think it's stopped! It's not something I think anyone can ever truly get used to, but you will learn to live with it and learn that it won't kill you or harm you. I've had them since I was 12 (I'm in my late 30s now) and I'm still going strong.
no never, its the most horrible feeling especially when it does it every beat... do u ever get it every beat or is that just me? i thought i was over all of this but im not, seeing the doctor about a week ago reassured me but now im ill of course i think thats coming from the heart ): also what happened last night made it 10 times worse.
Yes! You hit the nail right on the head. When I first started having them combined with the anxiety, it started a vicious cycle. First, I'd have the weird beats, then I'd panic and get so scared which would give me an adrenaline rush and all over again they would start and the cycle would continue.
The other thing is that when you're sick, everything feels so much worse because your body is so super sensitive and on edge anyway because it's constantly having to fight the illness that you have. Couple that with laying down to sleep and you're quiet. That magnifies everything because you're laying still, you can hear everything, feel everything. That's why I've found listening to music or sounds of some sort is really helpful. In a pinch I'll even turn on the TV with a blanket over it. (I'm scared of the dark too, lol, so that doesn't help anything.)
You're so young and if you're Holter monitor was good, then I would constantly remind myself of that.
I hope you work out of regular basis and do breathing excercise as well. I have had this feeling quite a few times. But I have noticed that whenever I keep a regular workout as a part of my daily routine it solves a lot of anxiety related issues. Also I hope you stay hydrated throughout the day. Hope that helps.
As you have the missed beats so often and the distress it causes you I really do think you would benefit greatly by a referal by your doctor to a cardiac specialist. There are simple medical procedures thst can reset heart beats to normal, when Tony Blair was Prime Minister he had missed beats bad and had this simple procedure and he was fine afterwards. The fact that you were having a good day or two when the holter was on is reassuring but doesn't help with your anxiety. When you're ready go see your gp again and insist on a referral to a cardiac specialist.
so do u think its bad then? she already has she said shes going to to reassure me even more
It's only bad because it upsets you so much as indeed it would most people, it's not bad like it's lifethreatening or anything like that. Are you saying she has already said she will refer you to a specialist, if so that's good news. It's not enough just to reassure, you want relief from the missed beats. I hate to see you suffering like this, this can be sorted by seeing a specialist in heart matters I'm sure.
yeah she has, i asked her at first and she said no there was no need but then i started breaking down i think and she said will it make u feel any better if i refer you and i said yes. to be honest its more of the double beats than the missed onces but both are annoying and very annoying when they happen every beat until i cough or something for it to stop. i guess me feeling really ill and weak, all my mucles aching, sensetive skin, sore thorat, headache is making it alot worse and making me more anxoius because i think its coming from the heart
I was precisely where you are, same story, I was also scared of the multiple skips in a row, so my cardiologist sent me to an EP (electro physiologist) just for peace of mind. The EP told me to disregard the skips. I couldn't believe it. I was sure something major was wrong with my heart, esp since I have high cholesterol and have had chest pains and racing, but he didn't think so. I asked him if I could record what he said, so I got out my phone and actually recorded him saying that my heart was fine & that everybody gets some PVCs. I was just getting a few more than average, maybe because of anxiety, but it's safe to ignore them. When it skips a lot, esp back to back, I still fear it's going to go into an abnormal rhythm, & in my mind it means something is wrong. But I keep telling myself it's ok. I am trying to "disregard" the flutters. I'm doing better. Yesterday and today my anxiety was less than it has been (praise!) AND I had less skipped beats, which was very encouraging. It helps me see that mine do correlate with how sensitized my nerves are. You are so much like me! We have the same symptoms!
Hi Usagold, Great idea in regards to recording what the doctor says. Sometimes we are so nervous about the answer that we aren't really listening to what they are saying.
I was wondering if when you recorded it, you played it back whenever worried so you could be reassured in your doctor's voice? I purchased a recording pen last year but have yet to use it. I'm glad to hear that your heart is fine and that it's anxiety that once again comes into play. Stay positive and continue doing better. x
I have listened to it. Not like all the time, I guess I don't want to depend on him. I need to believe the truth that my heart's ok & to practice acceptance, but like I still sit by exits, I'm not deleting it. Having it on my phone is comforting. You know how some people carry around a Xanax, they don't take it, but it's comforting to them to know it's there, haha.
It's most likely anxiety, I've experienced this many times. Try focusing on where you're mind is when this happens on not the physical sensations.