Hi, please help does anybody else feel like their heart missing a beat every few beats and then tinglings all through your body? X
Heart feels like it missing a beat - Anxiety Support
Heart feels like it missing a beat

yeah thats called heart palpitations, its pretty common...what happens is ur heart produces a premature beat and then it will skip a beat...i get them now and then and freaks me out too...haven't for them in awhile. I have no idea what the tingling thing is though...are u hyperventilating...that i did and caused me tingling in my hands and feet. palpitations are common with panic attacks, if your really worried about it you can always visit local doctor or ER to check on it.
Hi there has the Doc suggested wearing a 24 heart monitor? I get skipped beats and my test came back clear. With me it's fluctuating hormones as I'm menopausal. Please do get it checked out if it persists. Stress can cause them as well with adrenalin rushes etc. Palpitations in the main are usually harmless. Yes, they are scarey but getting anxious about them makes them ten times worse. Try drinking lots of calamine tea and deep breathing during an attack.
Poppygirl10, yes they suggested it, and be been having them everyday since Sunday, because I'm suffering from increased anxiety at the moment they think it's to do with that, that's why they've going to try me on different medication. I think I might go back to the docs and ask them to do the 24hr heart monitor just for my own piece of mind x
Hi Lizxx, yes do get a test done. A Cardiologist looks at the test and then sends the results to your GP. So it will give you peace of mind when you get the results. I'm sure yours will be ok and then you will just have to manage them as I do. Anxiety does make them worse so you are just going to have to try and stay calm (easier said than done) Try to stay away from alcohol (especially fizzy wine) and caffiene as this can start them off again. The triggers for me are getting really tired, stressed and generally being menopausal(hot flushes etc). Try and busy yourself when you feel them coming on, and if you get them in the night do deep breathing. xx