Hi, I am new to this site but am so confused I really could do with some answers! I have been struggling for 8 years now with all of the symptoms you’re having as well as some extras! But as of late the symptoms are the worst they’ve ever been I am terrified there is something wrong with me that the Drs have missed. The feeling I can’t explain is literally 24/7 it’s like a dizzy but not room spinning sensation, my right arm and leg sometimes feels like there uncontrollably shaking. I feel like when I’m walking I’m just not with it my head feels so strange like dizzy but not room spinning like I am away with it. I have controlled epilepsy. Drs are chucking anxiety at me every time so much so I’ve gave up telling them. I have suffered anxiety in the past but I am not stupid I know what’s anxiety and I know there is something going on in my head that shouldn’t be! I have had mri scan a few years ago that was ok. I literally feel like I am going to collapse all of the time. I have left a really high paid job and went part time because of this awful feeling I have. It’s so hard to describe if it was a pain I could say to the dr I have a pain here or there but this feeling in my head I can’t describe. I just want the old me back where I can bounce out of bed and feel great on a morning. I was put on anxiety medication which I gradually reduced to a really low does because I feel I don’t need them what’s the point in taking medication that isn’t helping. I feel like no one especially the Drs take me seriously anymore! Does anyone else have this problem as I am so scared?
Feels like no hope!! : Hi, I am new to this... - Anxiety Support
Feels like no hope!!

Hiya,yes I have exactly the same as you everyday.not dizzy room spinning but light headed and giddy 24/7 or until I go to sleep.
I to have been to the doctors and hospital with this and other symptoms and have been told it's nothing but anxiety.(I have had severe anxiety since I was a little girl)
The trouble is that I think it becomes a habit that is just so hard to break and normal life becomes unimaginable.take comfort in the fact that you aren't alone and dizzy light headedness is so common with anxiety.we will get through this.
There are some great people on this site with some amazing pearls of wisdom. ie Jeff,Agora,Beevee.
The key is to accept and not fight and float through.something I'm really trying to master at the moment.
Always here if you want a chat.you are not alone.
Thanks so much for your reply! It’s reassuring to know that others feel the same although I wouldn’t wish this feeling on anyone! I forgot to mention I sometimes have tremors too for no reason it’s my right arm and leg it’s awful! I feel like I could just scream at the Drs for not helping me. I wake up on a morning and think right I can do this today but then am reminded of this awful feeling in my head. I feel drained of it all I don’t feel like i can ever feel normal again.
I totally understand what you mean.its hell and you wouldn't wish it on your worst enemy.but you will be okay and get through this.the symptoms can feel like you could die at any moment and some days that I'm really down I wish it was physical so they could just treat me!it's so tough.
Can any of this be a side effect of your epilepsy medicine? Also you might check with an ear specialist.
The Drs have said it’s nothing to do with the epilepsy medication (Lamictal) and they have said it’s my ears look fine I think they feel I like I’m a hypochondriac I honestly do so much so I’ve stopped going to the Drs. Thank you for your reply
Have you tried therapy? Sometimes it is very hard determine whether a physical sensation is due to anxiety or is in fact due to a medical problem. I don't say this to frighten anyone. It is just that I was not well for 16 months. (This was quite a while ago.) I saw numerous doctors, including specialists, most of whom either suggested anxiety or an autoimmune disease that had not progressed far enough to show up in tests. The last doctor I went to, at a major teaching hospital, tested for a number of viruses, and was able to determine exactly what it was. I got well and he is still my doctor. I guess th point for everyone here, is to fully pursue medical options if you are certain you have a medical problem. I had a fever for 16 months and there are too many doctors who put everything down to anxiety. Some of this is due to laziness and ignorance on their part. Having said all this, it remains true that anxiety does cause a number of physical symptoms. Therapy and anxiety treatment remains vital no matter what the symptoms are.
I fully agree with u in respect of Drs putting it down to anxiety and some points in my life I agree I have and still do suffer from anxiety but I do know the difference and genuinely believe this is a health problem that is being missed because it is easier to say it is anxiety! I tried with a therapist about 6 years ago but gave it up as they spoke to me like I was a child. I have made an appointment to see the gp end of sept and I am going to demand tests and answers as he has only done blood tests and an mri scan which at the time came back ok. It is at the highest level it has ever been over the last few weeks now something has to give! I try to keep fit I go to the gym and still go to work even though when I am there I constantly feel like I’m going to faint the inside of my head feels like it’s just banging from side to side. So sorry for the rant it’s just good to listen to some advice. Thank you for your reply.
I wish you very good luck. xx
Thank you x
PS Could it be migraines?
Well I suffer from headaches almost every day but when the headache isn’t there the awful dizzy type feeling is still there it’s almost constant.