Does anyone look around and just feel so disconnected? Like I'll look at something and I can see it but I feel like I have to really focus on what I'm looking at. It's like there is a glass wall infront of me and the world
Unreal: Does anyone look around and just... - Anxiety Support

YES. I used to feel that. Now I feel it inside myself like I cannot connect to who I am. I do not even feel human anymore. I feel just like this "thing with a conciousness" it is weird.

Yes I get like this. I feel exactly like Trailbooks. I think it is the depersonalisation that was referred to on another post too. It happens when we have an overload of anxiety ; it is a way of trying to shut down or deal with it. I don't think it is something that will go away just like that; it is a question of finding out the causes and working on improving things for yourself. X
Hi om like that 24/7 older then maybe but still awful feeling anixery what do it my head times also feel losein it to ....o feel so from this world kids etc ppl .. my house hope helps u not alone xx
I do often. Horrible isn't it, especially when it stops you communicating to the outside world. I don't always suffer from it though. Just try and mix with people as much as you can, difficult I know but doable. Thinking of you, Sam x
If you are taking about feeling spaced out then yes I know what you mean. Look up SCM Muscle syndrome and read about it. It is a muscle in your neck that can make you feel crazy when it is tight.
Thankyou for all of your responses. Very helpful x