So im with my family and im having a bad episode of feeling unreal. I feel disconnected from them and me. This normal?
Unreal: So im with my family and im having a... - Anxiety Support

With anxiety and depression, that feeling of "unreal"can happen anytime, anywhere and around any and everyone.
Can it happen a lot?
Yes, it can. I experience this daily. I am honestly hoping with meds that this symptom, along with many other symtoms, will slowly start to dimish. I don't wish to put words I'm your mouth. So I can only describe what other words I associate with it. I sometimes feel like I am viewing everything and it's "hazy", I know that I present in the moment but things can feel surreal, etc. These are some symptoms related to what I feel like.
Yes. I've wrestled with this a lot. My medication, amitriptyline, helps. One problem is I get frustrated when it happens because I just want to be normal again. Then I get frustrated for not being stronger. You're not alone.
I'm the same. It can hit me suddenly but I usually get a warning sign with rush of sensation in the left temple and parietal region. It feels nice but I can only say I think it is seratonin levels dropping. I tell the doctors and they look st me ad if I am weird! Anyway I feel weirded out for a bit then I feel fine again. I have just Increased my meds to help prevent symptoms worsening. Also I get a pain in my neck, shoulder. This time round it is chronic pain. Off work with it at the mo. Hope this helps. You are not alone.
Totally normal! ❤️❤️