Anxiety : so right now at the moment feel... - Anxiety Support

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Johnnie1234 profile image
47 Replies

so right now at the moment feel like my head is numb i got a mean headache for some reason feel like is going down like my eyebrows but when i look is really not idk what to do

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Johnnie1234 profile image
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47 Replies

Hi Johnnie1234, have you tried doing some deep breathing exercises? Do something to take your mind off your symptoms. The more you focus on them, the worse they will get. Today I went out and bought a coloring book. Never too old to color...right? I feel anxiety so as soon I'm going to color a little bit before I go to bed. It will take my mind off my symptoms. Are you on any medication?

Johnnie1234 profile image
Johnnie1234 in reply to

Yeah i havent took any of it yet i been trying to control it myself with any meds but idk if i should got to the hospital honestly is it anxiety you think am just very worried right now

in reply to Johnnie1234

You're totally worried and getting yourself worked up. I hate to say this, because I hate when people say this to me...but try to relax. Have a glass of wine or drink a hot cup of tea. Again, do any and everything to take your mind off your symptoms. Are you alone or is someone with you?

Johnnie1234 profile image
Johnnie1234 in reply to

Am alone at the moment the people that are here at my home are asleep

in reply to Johnnie1234

Ok. But if you started to feel ill or something, you can wake someone up and tell them. Find something to relax you. Hot bath and hot tea helps me. You're going to be alright. You have to believe that.

Johnnie1234 profile image
Johnnie1234 in reply to

Yeah am just tierd of this its been rough man

in reply to Johnnie1234

I am there with you!!!! I'm so over this crap! But I'm learning how to deal with it. How long have today have you felt anxiety? Think about it, if there were something SERIOUSLY wrong, you would know by now i.e. heart attack/stroke. Our mind is SO powerful and it's sometimes hard to control.

I went to bootcamp tonight and had a hard time keeping up because I didn't work out last week because I had the flu. I felt major anxiety and convinced myself that I was having a heart attack because my heart rate wasn't coming down. Well, once I calmed down, I realized it was just anxiety taking over once again!! Then I got angry that I let it take me there. Get angry with your anxiety!! It's a bully! Don't let it win.

Johnnie1234 profile image
Johnnie1234 in reply to

yeah i wen to the hospitsl 6 or 7 times i went to a heart docter said its fine did a stress test everything fine told me my heart is strong to work out snd stuff but idk why i get shortness of breath and chest pains alot and dry mouth

in reply to Johnnie1234

You get all of that because you have anxiety. Try taking one of your meds and see how it feels. As much as you don't want to, you may have to take them, just to get your anxiety under control. Then once it's a bit more controlled you can slowly get off of them, but incorporate another remedy to help you control them i.e. yoga, hypnosis, acupuncture, therapy, etc.

Johnnie1234 profile image
Johnnie1234 in reply to

Yeah i just hate taking meds for some reason

in reply to Johnnie1234

I get it. I absolutely DESPISE taking medication. But you can either take them or drive yourself crazy and go broke from going to the doctor.

Johnnie1234 profile image
Johnnie1234 in reply to

Yeah you right

Johnnie1234 profile image
Johnnie1234 in reply to Johnnie1234

but i dont get it that hard is like it hits me sometimes do did you ever get like you vision like blurry or unreal

in reply to Johnnie1234

I get the blurred vision. Went to the dr and counselor today about it. You've got to believe this is anxiety or you will just keep feeding it and it will get worse. I Definitely would take your medication 🙂 I hate to take medication as well but your dr prescribed it for a reason, ya know. And hey you might start taking it and make a complete turn around!

I wish you the best of luck! You will be fine, trust your doctors... take deep breaths.... try not to let it get you down! X

in reply to Johnnie1234

Who say's you'll have to be on meds all your life. Just take them to get things under control. I know you don't know me, but trust me on this! :)

Johnnie1234 profile image
Johnnie1234 in reply to

Yeah you right

in reply to Johnnie1234

Great. Now take your meds, go to bed and let me know how you feel tomorrow.

Johnnie1234 profile image
Johnnie1234 in reply to

Alright thanks 🙌🏻💯

Cobon profile image

Watch, Observe, Don't React. Let it do what it do. Just observe, keep your breathing under control. Take a cold shower for 5 minutes.

Johnnie1234 profile image
Johnnie1234 in reply to Cobon

Yeah thank you i will 🙌🏻💯

Ag27 profile image

Johnnie, do you have any other symptoms? I ask because I have constant head pressure, dizziness and shortness of breath and tested positive for Lyme disease as well as co-infections - babesia and bartonella. Sometimes it is anxiety but sometimes it isn't "just anxiety".

Johnnie1234 profile image
Johnnie1234 in reply to Ag27

All my blood work came out normal and i getting tingling feeling on my arms hands sometimes heart rate aswell

Cicinoodle profile image

A hot bath and a good nights sleep Listen to soothing music and think only happy thoughts, even if they are from when you were a child.

You will be fine.

I bet you are under some pressure right now and just need a break.


Johnnie1234 profile image
Johnnie1234 in reply to Cicinoodle

Yeah thank you 💯🙌🏻

Blondiful profile image

Hi I totally get where ur at habe been there so many times. I too don't take medication my doctor just doesn't like prescribing them until I've tried cbt I deep breath take rescue remedy when I'm really bad. I work part time as I've 2 kids and I can be in wor with all those sensations with people around me. I know how scary it is and that fear that it's something worse. But then I get over it when I take the dog out or clean the house listen to songs from my college years ro cheer me up. Don't feel ur alone. Talking helps so much makes u realise other people are here with the same symptoms. Anxiety sucks. But we can overcome It.

Johnnie1234 profile image
Johnnie1234 in reply to Blondiful

Yeah i hate when my heart starting racing i always get chest pains all the time but am tierd of going hospital so i pain no mind to it because they tell me

my heart is good and healthy and strong am young only 20 years old but if everything is alright why i get chest pains

Johnnie1234 profile image
Johnnie1234 in reply to Johnnie1234

and cant relax like my back muscles are always tense like i cant relax

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Johnnie1234

Hi Johnnie, you get chest pains (not from your heart) but from your being in a constant state of overstimulation. (the fight or flight response) It puts undo stress on your chest wall muscles as well as your rib cage, causing the different intensities of pain. The way to rid yourself of these pains is to use some calming techniques that will quiet your mind and your body.

You say you can't relax and that your back muscles are always tense. Actually your whole nervous system is tense and on guard but for the wrong reason. Your brain is saying you are in danger when your not. You need to start accepting that these symptoms are not harmful and then start your deep breathing and relaxation/meditation tools.

Only when you start relaxing will the pains go away. It could be within 20 min or a little longer depending how long the chest pain has been going on. You need to stop concentrating on the negative response of your body and start the positive feelings to take over.

You have been to the hospital a number of times, your heart has been checked out as okay. You are carrying around the reaction you first had with anxiety and are so afraid of it that it continues to haunt you like a bad dream. Johnnie, it may not even have anything to do with smoking weed since you had been smoking for a couple years. Maybe it was something else in your life that triggered it.

Keep coming to the forum, get the support and understanding you need so that you can walk away feeling a little bit more informed as to what is happening. Make today that you start doing something different in your life. A positive move forward will help, in whatever it is. Small steps at first....

Johnnie1234 profile image
Johnnie1234 in reply to Agora1

Thank you agora and for some reason always my head feels wierd and my vision for some reason like its a dream or something idk but its really wierd

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Johnnie1234

I know Johnnie, mine feels like that today. Vision included. It's stress. Try using YouTube for a 10 min respite from anxiety. Type in Audio Relaxation/Deep Breathing. It will help clear your mind.

Johnnie1234 profile image
Johnnie1234 in reply to Agora1

Yeahh and pale do you get like that sometimes i was with a friend he tells me why you look so pale i started really thinking about it just dont wanna die 😩

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Johnnie1234

You are not going to die from this. We can all get pale at times, maybe you just need to go outside a bit. Get some fresh air, some sun and breathe deeply. When we stay in and brood over our worries, it drains us both physically and mentally.

Johnnie1234 profile image
Johnnie1234 in reply to Agora1

Yeah you right probably because i was home for days and finally went out today to get some air

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Johnnie1234

That's what I figured. It becomes very easy to stay indoors but is not good. We all need the fresh air and some sun to make us feel alive and well.

I'm glad you got out some.

Johnnie1234 profile image
Johnnie1234 in reply to Agora1

yeah how come my vision always seem like that always unreal or something

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Johnnie1234

Yeah Johnnie, the blurry vision comes from the pupils dilating as well as hyperventilation to the high anxiety. Unfortunately, it tends to get worse as you get more anxious about it. It is a part of the fight or flight response in the body.

I have gotten that when I first get into a store I'm not familiar with. Once I get interested in what I'm doing, the blurriness goes away.

Johnnie1234 profile image
Johnnie1234 in reply to Agora1

Yeah thank you agora you know alot about it

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Johnnie1234

Johnnie, it's just because I have experienced everything you are going through.

fado1967 profile image

Hi johnny1234, i was in same situations for about 1 year , evry day new simptoms , i think you have health anxiety and you should go to to do every test , i did head mri , all heart tests , colonoscopy , endoscopy , ct scan of belly , evry posible test , i forgat what alse i scan :) , my meds did not help me , but when i did all this test i fell fine ok after 1 year , that is how long it took me , so don't look for tomuch help on internet ...u are fine , you just need proof of that and maybe you have sinus alergy like me, go to any pharmacy and buy flonase spray ....good luck and wish you all the best ...

Johnnie1234 profile image
Johnnie1234 in reply to fado1967

Thank yeah i just dont feel good my fsmily say am not the same anymore like it just makes me feel more down aswell

fado1967 profile image
fado1967 in reply to Johnnie1234

You will be ok , you r young and got to fight that , i know it is not easy , if you want i can give you my tel

Johnnie1234 profile image
Johnnie1234 in reply to fado1967

Yeah and i did alot of stuff already seen alot of docter been to the hospital say everything is normal the only thing to check now is that i have appointment tommarow for a MRI

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Johnnie1234

Good Luck Johnnie with the MRI tomorrow. Let us know how it goes..

Johnnie1234 profile image
Johnnie1234 in reply to Agora1

Ok i will thank you

Johnnie1234 profile image
Johnnie1234 in reply to Agora1

can i ask you something hoe about like itching is that possible aswell? like little rash

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Johnnie1234

I've never had itching but I know others on the forum have. Maybe someone will respond to that question.

Johnnie1234 profile image
Johnnie1234 in reply to Agora1

Oh okay thanks agora1

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