So I was on here before and I am at such a bad place. It started after I went to see my nutritionalist, who tested my body and found that my liver was stressed. I had just gone on birth control and thought that could be a factor, so I came off those. Anyway, then he said he was picking up virus in the abdominal area and my anxiety shot sky high. I mean it went through the roof. I have emetophobia, so hearing those words together just....
My mom said that could easily be do to the birth control and after he gave me my suppliments to take, I left. Well, things just got worse. My stomach was, again, my complete focus. I went on my period , stopped the birth control, and have had days of raw panic,dissasociation.
The day after, I took a drive with my mom and was starting to disassociate and it went into this slow panic attack.
When we got back home, i was sitting on the bed, feeling like there had to be something major wrong. It felt like I woul. Die or be sick or have a stroke, just spmething to match how physically off I felt.
Well now, i cannot calm myself down, i feel like something is reallywrong with me and cannot write this off as anxiety. I feel spacey, stomach distress (though not nauseous), sore legs and I need to go to the hospital, but my mom assures me I dont, as she also has anxiety.
I am at home quite often and I really cannot tell you the last time I wasnt focusing on how i felt.
Its been almost six months since i went to the doc and had full bloodwork, urine, thyroid, blood sugar, pressure, and physical exam complete. Now I am freaking that maybe this is low blood sugar or high blood sugar or something that could develop blood wise in that length of time.
Can anyone relate because it seems that when I compare how I feel, my symptoms are worse than they should be