Does anyone else get a throbbing headache with tingling sensation when they're feeling anxious ? Sometimes I have stabbing pains too . I've had a CT scan about a month ago and everything was normal . I just get scared that i have something wrong with me . I could really use some comfort right now !
Tingling sensation : Does anyone else get a... - Anxiety Support
Tingling sensation

Yes! I am dealing with this lately too. I will have a sharp pain in the side of my head and then sometimes a tingly feeling. FOr a while I had a tight band feeling around my head. We have to remember these things cant hurt us and they are anxiety. I am trying too. You are not alone!
Yes I have that too almost all the time! Remember it is just anxiety and that there is nothing wrong with you
Ya dude I get it ALLLLL the time.
Hi jean I get sane u ... also gace pin neddles in leg arm24/7 worrys me as lik u think sonethink wrong think got ms ... though had mri scan not sure wgat that tell me xxx anixerty do so much chest pains breathing same feel cant get breath hun xxxx numb
I'm the same had pins and needles in my feet for 5 months now 24/7 its driving me mad been taking amotriptoline (sorry can't spell) which is supposed to help numb the nerve sensation but has done nothing yet I will try anything now.
Pins and needles in the feet, which can later proceed to hands, if symmetrical, can be a symptoms of peripheral neuropathy and this can be caused by various causes, including some medications, like amitriptyline, but also by diabetes.
A long list of causes of tingling in fingertips is here
Did pins and needles start before or after taking amitriptyline? I think this is a symptoms serious enough to check it with a neurologist.
It started before I started taking any medication. The GP gave me the medication he seemed a bit lost as what else to do and said it may just be one of those things.
OK, so you may want to get diagnosed (by a neurologist).
Persistent symmetrical tingling in feet, if not caused by medications, may be caused by various diseases, including neurological diseases, or vitamin or mineral deficiencies, for example vitamin B1 or potassium (just 2 examples). I'm NOT trying to suggest you to start to take any supplements before diagnosis - they can mask some nutrient deficiencies in lab results.
I get that head tingling, wooziness all the time. I constantly have to keep reminding myself that I am going to be ok. Hang in there. You're not alone!
Thank you everyone.