Doc tells me I'm ok but...: Hello. My name... - Anxiety Support

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Doc tells me I'm ok but...

doozhi profile image
16 Replies

Hello. My name is James.

I'm going through something I can't figure out. I have recurring fevers, headaches, and migraines. I constantly have the chills. Everything I eat I feel like throwing it back up. I have stomach pain. I have abdominal pain. I go to the bathroom constantly. I can't ever sit through a movie at the theaters. I have persistent diarrhea. My throat is sore all the time. My ears ache too. Sometimes, my glands around my armpits get swelled and hot. I'm miserable. The doctors have some urine and blood tests on me. And, as you might guess, they all came back negative (normal). They tell me, its me, who is making me sick; that my immune system is weak because of my depression. I'm sick of it! Comments?

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doozhi profile image
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16 Replies
Petita profile image

Hi James. Anxiety and depression can most definitely cause some very real physical symptoms. When I'm very anxious I get the chills and feel shakes plus my stomach is a mess. You should try and find what's triggering the feelings and try to manage them. When I'm feeling anxious I try and go on a walk and get fresh air and clarity. Meditation, yoga and talking to someone also really help me. I hope you find this place useful and are able to get ideas on how to try and turn it around.

doozhi profile image
doozhi in reply to Petita

How long have you had anxiety?

WikiDom profile image

Hi James,

I've been suffering from anxiety for quite a while now and my trigger was the fear of heart attack... Ive found myself going to the ER like 5 times last winter and had many ECG and blood tests and x-rays and i even saw a cardiologist and well im as healthy as i can be nothinf abnormal... And i still felt like crap and just like you i didnt believe him... And i live in Montreal, Quebec im Canada and here we have anxiety hotlines and i used to call them everyday... I even lost my job because of my anxiety so at that point i decided that it was time to put an end to that.... So i started calling the hotline again but this time i called them when i was ok and not during my attacks and i started asking them questions about anxiety only to find out that it was exaclty what i had... (Pretty much the same symptoms as you except for the fever) and it really helped me cause i used to look the symptoms up online and it made me panic even more... So yes your anxiety and depression can cause all that and i know it's hard to believe but you are probably fine... Don't misunderstand me the physical symptoms are real but they are probably created by your brain... Believe me mine did the same... But today im on the verge of being cured and i do my dream job im a heavy metal concert and album reviewer for many blogs online it was my dream and now im living it! Don't despair friend and keep posting i hope this will help you


doozhi profile image
doozhi in reply to WikiDom

Hi! Thanks for your reply and comment. Exactly how did you get to where you are now? Like what steps did u take? Thanks :)

goalmal profile image

If all the tests r normal u should nurse the feeling in yourself that nothing is wrong with u.Just meditation may help and improve your condition.Positive thinking can bring great changes in one's life physically and mentally .I hope this may help u.

doozhi profile image
doozhi in reply to goalmal

Thank you. I'm trying different ways and seeing what works. Maybe running? Exercise? Or even like you said meditation.

Sam66 profile image

Sorry to hear you're feeling so unwell James. I've been wondering how old you are(excuse me for asking!) but in my teens and twenties anxiety hit me exactly like you're discribing. I seriously thought I had cancer or some terrible disease. As with I guess a lot of older ones on this site we have learnt to ignore a lot of these symptoms and then they pass. You've done the right thing by visiting your doctor and having s/he do some tests. As they've all come back ok I'm sure you're perfectly well. Please ask your doctor about medications you could maybe take to help you through this bad time. I know some people on this site recommend yoga,meditation,excercise etc and it helps them a lot. There are many things you can do that are proactive to put you back in control and not this awful anxiety. The pic of the kitten is gorgeous(thanks for that) made me smile. Any way if you need to chat were all here xx

doozhi profile image
doozhi in reply to Sam66

Haha thanks! I am actually a man! 33. I ahvw struggled with panic attacks and depression for years but only recently been physically sick, or seemingly sick. And thanks for sharing that youve been down my road. In addition to what I can do myself, I want to explore getting therapy and maybe medication? Depression meds. What do u think about those?

Sam66 profile image

Medication is a difficult one because what works for one person may not necessarily work for another. The one I find works best for me is citalopram 10/20 mgs depending on how I'm feeling. I tried sertraline for 8 weeks but I felt terribly unwell on it. I think the problem with anti depressants is it's all trial and error. I only took diazipam which isn't an anti depressant for about a month. Diazipam is a benzo which is used for anxiety. Most doctors hate giving meds like this for fear of addiction which I can understand. If you google antidepressants/anti anxiety drugs there appears to be an awful lot on the market. Have a good chat with your doctor and hopefully they will sort out the medications which will be best for you. Good luck , Sam.

doozhi profile image
doozhi in reply to Sam66

Yes. I have taken reuptake inhibitors in the past as a teen but never really was not consistent with them. I was young :) So, yeah I'm thinking I need to get some therapy. And possibly meds. I have tried Zoloft. It made me worse.

doozhi profile image
doozhi in reply to Sam66

And do you regularly get counseling?

Sam66 profile image
Sam66 in reply to doozhi

Hi doozhi I have had counselling in the past for about a year which was very good but hard work. I could have gone with NHS but it was group counseling I wanted one to one. It wasn't a magic wand but it made me realise why I felt/reacted the way I did to things going wrong in my life.

doozhi profile image
doozhi in reply to Sam66

I see. Yeah it takes for me a bit of humility to go to a counselor because of pride. But I'll try it. As of today, I still feel sickish. I have throat pain and ear pain. It feels like I have the flu coming on but it never quite comes. I just stay somewhat flu-ish. I still go a lot at night; 2-3 times but its better than a month ago. My migraines have subsided. But I still feel I'll generally. I also had a huge cry last night. Like I've never had before. Felt like I was the hulk in that I couldn't stop crying. My body tensed up, and my face just busted out in tears, saliva, and mucus lol. The weird thing is, I felt a sense of peace and extreme tiredness after.

Sam66 profile image

It's seems to me that you're under a lot of stress at the moment. Maybe this is coming from your current circumstances or maybe dealing with things that have happened in the past.? So sorry to hear that you were so upset last night. Horrible isn't it but like you say it does often bring a sense of peace after a good cry. But sometimes it can build up again (the stress and anxiety)if not dealt with properly. Do you think you might have a chat with your doctor and work out a way forward for you?

doozhi profile image
doozhi in reply to Sam66

Yes I plan to talk to my primary doctor in a couple of days which is my scheduled appt. And tell him that I need a referral to a counselor. I'm really needing this. Its been far too long, and debilitating. Thanks for your advice and just listening! It helps so so much just to know others struggle alongside me and know what I'm feeling.!!!

Sam66 profile image

No problem. It's a good site as it's a good bunch of people using it. Take care,Sam x

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