Whenever I have to think about going back to work, I start having these recurring dreams of panic. They take on different scenarios... But the thread is always the same. I find an excuse to quit... Even before the job starts I am out in the parking lot looking for my car... Usually I can't find it (more panic) So I feel trapped... These dreams are always right before I wake up unfortunately... they then tend to color the first waking minutes with an uncomfortable feeling of depression...Its always (the dream) about going back to cooking for a living.. even though I have many years in the trade... I just can't get passed the feeling of stress involved in this type of work.. I have been applying for gardening work lately as it is much less stressful.. But its been many years since I worked in this area so the competition is fierce. Any way just needed to get that out...Hope you all are having a better day. I had an odd thing happen last night. I am now taking Paxil for my anxiety.. I took the first pill yesterday at 3:30 pm. And lo and behold 40 minutes later I sort of stabilized... and I didn't have the usual highs and lows I usually have to contend with. I know it sounds impossible that the pill could have reacted so quickly (it takes weeks ) as you know. So I was thinking that I may be highly receptive to the Placebo effect. Still fretting over the house selling and moving Waiting now for the potential buyer to arrange his inspection of the house.. ok well much love steve
Same old dream.: Whenever I have to think... - Anxiety Support
Same old dream.

Before I broke up with my boyfriend I was having anxieties of him leaving me. I had dreams to this effect and would make me anxious when I woke up and would be thinking about the dream all morning. Most of the memories faded throughout the day fortunately.
Dreaming is your brain's way of processing the day's occurrences and your thought processing. Everything you do in a day is converted from your short term to long term memory when you are sleeping. That's fancy biology speak (I have an honours degree in biology) but basically it means your brain sorts everything out when you are sleeping. So sleep is pretty important.
Although you are having bad dreams, at least you are sleeping! Some people on this site report not being able to sleep and lying awake half the night and then being exhausted during the day. I'd rather have the dodgy dreams if I had to pick!
Maybe it would be best for you to change your job if it is making you so anxious that you dream about it? I thought your boss was meeting you to discuss how you felt?
Hi wtc. You're right about the dream state.And yes again to the need to change jobs.I don't have a boss right now so you may have mixed up another post with mine.Yes I do feel lucky to be able to sleep soundly. Thanks for taking the time to respond. Hope your day goes well. x steve
Ah sorry, I do get people mixed up all the time lol. I remember who I'm thinking of now actually. I never used to sleep well at all when I was at uni, all the biology I'd learned would be flying around my head.
If you feel depressed when you wake up a good trick is to not lie there dwelling over the dream, try to cut it out of your mind and do something you enjoy as soon as you get up as this may motivate a little more. Like eating breakfast or having a warm shower or watching tv :).
I used to lie in bed dwelling over things, but now I just get up.
I do have a routine for the first hour or so. I have given up the stress of forcing myself to do things that don't really matter too much.. I don't have any commitments right now (Which I used to beat myself up about). I have to look after myself now more than anyone else. I did not really have a serious problem with anxiety etc.. until I was in my 40`s.two failed marriages and a feeling of uneasy in my career as a Chef. I did change directions and started to work seasonally in Resorts Three or four months of intense work.. and then nothing for a while. So I guess I was easing myself out of the daily grind even then.
HI Steve x Its true that we tend to dream of our worries and insecruties at times, and usually the thoughts of the day are what we stress about x But it could be that you need to step back from the thought of going back to a job that seems to stress you so much. I can understand that it may of been your passion at one point but things change for reasons, it could be that your dreams are your subconscious telling you that you cannot handle stress like that at this present time and moment x Maybe for now you could try to take on some low level stress work, as you say gardening is one as its something you can do at your own pace x You could even gradually build full time working for yourself x For now you have to put yourself and your health first and worry about the other things as and when the time comes x Its great to hear your pill worked, as you say it could be placebo but if it means a break from anxiety long may it continue xx Donver x

Hi Donver. Ill take the break no matter what is causing it :). I am not the most patient person and my troubles are certainly not going away overnight I have to remind myself. Its a common thread where we all just want to feel normal once again. But of course sometimes (and in my case) normal is living in denial. Facing the problem hurts like hell and causes all manner of pain. I guess, as you know the past few months have been hell on wheels for many of us that share our thoughts on this site. Myself included. Seeing any hope of relief is always reassuring.. much love xsteve
Hi Steve
Glad your mood is picking up
Gardening is good for our mental health the experts say
I have a recurring dream about being back at school/college and wanting to leave to go to work!! Not so much recently though. I agree that dreams are our brains way of working out what has happened to us that day. I'm sure your brain has had a lot to process lately and so it is good that you are a managing to get your sleep.
I hope the Paxil continues to help you feel better.

Hi Angel. Well I did find a nice new home for me and my Cat (shadow). So that is one thing done. Ran into something new for me... a pet deposit?? Half a month rent!! I haven't rented in well over 20 years. Oh well welcome to the 21 century.. Much Love xSteve
HI Steve x Wow that's one I've never heard of either, although I do understand we work somewhat different here in the uk. But a pet deposit, still I suppose its up to the individual how they protect their properties. Over here we actually have council and private rent properties with strict rules stating no pets x It can be harsh, more so if you have a much loved pet an you find they cannot go with you x Im happy to hear you have found a new home xx Donver x
Most seniors on fixed incomes find this to be a problem. A half a month is the max...But I have seen it as low as what would be 40 quid. I love that word... quid....Take care Angel ... much love steve