If you have time Please read my rhyme - Anxiety Support

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If you have time Please read my rhyme

8 Replies

I'd have liked a life of simple pleasures

Filled with hope and memories to treasure

That's what I'd hoped for but not got

Instead it seems Health Anxiety is my lot

I'm so scared of dying and not existing

The terror of which there is no resisting

And so I'm trapped by endless fear

And my life is cloudy instead of clear

Different symptoms with every day

Aches and pains that don't go away

Chest pain, arm ache, a heart attack

Quickly followed by pain in my back

So off to the Drs I go in haste

He thinks I'm there his time to waste

He takes a look and says I would advise

A trip to the hospital would be wise

An aneurysm could be in your back

So get it checked and get back on track

I didn't have one so hopefully

For a while he won't see me

But the very next day more symptoms arise

Did they tell me the truth or was it all lies

If I could be sure there was a Hereafter

I'd have less worry and maybe more laughter

Must I be scared all of my days

Or is there an answer to change these ways

Please post a reply if you feel as I do

Because I'd really like to hear from you

There seemed to be a trend a little while back to write poems so I thought I would try! First attempt so please forgive lack of expertise.

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8 Replies

Hi Cathia

How could anyone not read your poem with your title , it made me want to read straight away :-)

You have expressed yourself so brilliantly through poetry you have a talent there :-)

I could also feel your anxiety & relate to your fears over HA

I hope you are getting maybe some counselling to help as I also have & do suffer with HA even though slightly better than it used to be & know just how it feels to live everyday with the fear but with help to slowly change these thoughts it can & does get better

Thank you for sharing your poem with us :-)




Yummimummi profile image


Thank you for sharing :)

As whywhy has said you've explained how you feel very well.

Counselling does sound your best bet also if I may suggest

some websites, these are very good and a few of us use them.

Headspace and the other is calm.com

Hope that helps

Hugs xx

Tara67 profile image

Loved your poem, caitha :)

I don't have health anxiety but I do relate to how you feel. From experience writing things down does help and being creative is also good, so two positives for you. x

Hi Cathia.

A very apt and accurate piece of poetry a lot of people on here will understand exactly where your coming from. I think that whywhy is right you should try counselling I know it can help. Until you get help we are always here to listen and help as best we can.

Take care Kenny xx

Anxietyang profile image

Not the dreaded health anxiety. Very frustrating isn't it. I started originally with HA and the best advice is don't google symptoms, watch health related tv shows or even books and articles. Mine turned me into a walking health encyclopaedia!

Counselling and cbt sounds like just the ticket but its a postcode lottery. I was lucky and got my first set through my work. If you look into it you may have something available through occ health.

There are also some good books out there. I found cbt for dummies a starting point for my HA. Then anything by eckhart tolle, starting with the time is now for my generalised anxiety.

Loved the poem though. Take care. X

That is fab. Thanks for sharing xx

Adorable1 profile image

Love it !! Thank you for sharing. I should imagine poetry to be a kind of therapy especially when it flows as yours does.

Thank you for sharing something from your heart


bonnybaby profile image

Hi Cathia

I loved your poem, it is exactly how I am,I crave to live in a world where I can be like all of my friends who just go out and do it.Each day now I tell myself that these feelings are only thoughts and can't harm me but they still seem to take over my whole life. Just to be able to go out alone in my car or be able to go on holiday with my family would be great but I see danger in every move I make.Thank you for your poem it made me realise that I am not alone, and neither are you.

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