Today I am exhausted, I've slept all night and feel I need more sleep...
I think I'm feeling worse in all of this because I'm feeling a total let down
I love to please, but I'm just not pleasing no one least of all me ..
If I have a day were I get up and do something around the house or help out in some way I end up exhausted the next day..I sleep a lot
CBT therapy today, I know I'm no better than last time and it's my 5th session, only one more to go, failed at that too, what happens when that finishes....
The pressure is on at home my daughters partner is off work sick and he doesn't even know I'm not working, I'm not a good liar and really don't like telling lies..but don't want him to know, I'm living under their roof and not contributing it feels so bad, I would feel awful if he new I've now given up my job...Normally it's all fine he's lovely, my daughter is lovely, I stay in my room so much, I'm not around, I don't have to, I choose to...
I'm low today, feeling I've failed everyone including myself....I'm feeling like I've failed here too, writing this blog, I first wrote a blog a month ago I should be writing about what progress I've made ...but I can't....maybe mornings are worse, when you wake up feeling exhausted and just want to cry because you want to be better...
Glad I have at least got somewhere to say it......
I truly hope yours is a more positive morning than I seem to be having