One of the biggest problems I'm having over coming this sh*t is exercise (or any kind of physical activity). Every doctor I've seen, every forum I've visited and every family member/ friend that I've spoken to have ALL said that exercise is the miracle cure. So why is it that it's the complete opposite for me?!
Before all this started (Christmas 2015), I was a very active person. I've always been a little overweight and never in perfect shape, but I'd walk at least 5-6 miles a day, not including shopping and going out at night and playing gigs (which in a heavy metal band is one hell of a work out ;L). I loved being out and about and would usually turn down transport to willing walk to my destinations (within reason).
NOW however, the 300 yard walk to the shop and back nearly kills me. Having a shower renders me breathless, lightheaded and feeling detached from my body (if that makes sense). Simply vacuuming the house is like an Olympic even and will render me feeling awful for a considerable amount of time. It just seems like physical activity seems to be my biggest catalyst for my symptoms, and convincing myself that it could possibly be down to a mental illness is getting more and more impossible by the second!
I'd say the one thing that keeps me from just rushing myself to A&E or visiting the doctor for the 564738295th time is the fact that I also get these symptoms and more while completely at rest. I'm seriously struggling at the moment though, and despite enjoying my life a LOT more than I was a few months ago, I still feel that it could be extra bit (well, quite a lot) more awesome if I wasn't scared to do anything remotely physical, without consuming a considerable amount of alcohol, which certainly seems to diminish it!
If anyone hes been or is going through this then it be very reassuring to know and some tips to make it go away would be much appreciated! Cheers all 😎