After almost six years of looking after my aged parents in my home, my older brother has finally agreed to take them into his home.Three months ago I convinced him to place my parents on a waiting list for Res Care in the town he lives in.. Vernon BC. The main reason being in his town the waitng list is much shorter for Care Facilities. But also I was burning out rapidly.. The original aggrement with my Dad was I`d look after them untill they went into Assisted care here in town...But my Dad turned down the first placement which really messed up the whole situation timing wise,(anyway long story) So within the next week I`ll have my life back and can start the process of rebuilding a "normal" life. But get this..yesterday when my brother told me of this plan I was so over the moon relieved I was stunned... but guess what folks.. an hour later I was uncontrolably distraute What was I going to do now?? how could i go on with out my folks.???....tears.. hard core panic ..the whole ball of wax..I had to seek out proffesional help..So after talking with my GP and getting an emergency ten minute visit with my shrink I was able regain some control.... What a fiasco.. all these hidden fears and anxieties. So in January I`m back into counselling on a weeky basis. Thank Buddha i have some resourses at my disposal...I can`t imagine anyone trying to deal with what i went through by themselves.. peace and love xo steve
Christmas Miracle..?: After almost six years... - Anxiety Support
Christmas Miracle..?
Hello Shadow,I read you posts with interest,is the BC the Canadian one?
Hi Steve,
I think you have had a lot to cope with and I am not surprized you had a melt down. I am glad you have support though at this time.
Good idea to go into counselling next January I am sure it will help you loads.
Thinking of you.
gardener x
thanks Gardener... yes my shrink says its not uncommon when someone who has been under tremendous stress to feel a great sense of loss when that stress is removd... It has been the foundation of my daily life for years..
You have done a marvellous job and now you can be thankful that your parents are going to be well looked after by your brother. Time for you to have time to yourself and try and relax. I can understand how you feel though at having time on your hands. I have just finished work for 6 weeks and am quite anxious about all the time I have to overthink and worry !!!! We do get ourselves in a state don't we???
I hope that you will be able to visit your parents and they won't live too far w away.
Hugs to you, Julie xx