Well my clickers came as they said. Within half hour of doing it Bella had the clicker associated with doing good. I cooked some sausages to use which she loves. I've even got her going down then back into the sit position wat a fast learner. She did already know sit but wudnt go from down to sit. Scooby he is older but I have got him associated with the clicker but am still on the sit with him. U can teach a older dog new tricks but takes abit longer. I've had fun as I've a passion for training dogs.
I've gotta fetch my 6mth old cat from the vets at 6. She's been in and got done as I can't have her having kittens. I'm looking forward to having my baby star back
Hope ur all having a nice day, I'm hoping this anxious free day carrys on anxious free my little boy started in the juniors today and he looked lost in the classroom this morning but was fine. He doesn't like change at all. My eldest is starting high school tomorrow as well xxx