Fed up with doing all the housework even though my hubbies retired and my eldest son has moved back home. Apart from housework, babysitting, shopping and working part time I have all the time in the world. Because of the lack of help I have booked a cleaner and they will have to pay a third. Do you think I am over reacting
Just a little rant: Fed up with doing all... - Anxiety Support
Just a little rant
Hi x And heck no your not over reacting in some ways x if you have tired to talk to them and its not getting you anywhere, it may be the kick up the bum needed to make them realise you need help x If there are two people at home they should be willing to do something however minor x It may backfire though so beware, if they think someone else will have to do it even though they are paying they may think its better than doing it themselves, or you may find its not done to your liking and feel stressed into doing it right x id be this one lol. I say better bet would be strike wash your own clothes and clean up your mess and eave there's to them, when they ask why tell them, if they are not willing to help you, your not willing to help them xx
In one word "no"
Good for you , if they cant pull there weight & help with the cleaning which they are capable of then with all you have to do you need some help & you have done the right thing !
I am pleased to see you doing something for you for a change you deserve it
Hi Holly, if theyre not prepared to help with anything then I think that sounds very reasonable youve already got enough on your plate you need a break and time to yourself too )
Mimii xx
I know how you feel Hun, no you are not overreacting. If I were you, they would be paying the lot in Leu of housework done up to now on top of everything else you do.
I would say this is why I'm gay, but my OH is the same lol xxx
Definitely not. This was part of the problem wen I was living with my husband. The house was always a mess hed leave his tools everywhere and never lifted a finger. I never asked for much but always expected more which he never gave which dragged me even further down an unhealthy path. Human nature dictates that we expect more from the people we live with. But when we dont get it we get resentful. Since I left him I dont expect help at all I know the house work falls on my shoulders but thats fine it means when I get no help there's no one to resent. Plus my house is alot tidier anyway because I dont live with a complete slob!
Stick to your guns hun if they dont wanna pay they'll have to do more x
Nah def not.... I say good for you!!
stick to your guns it sounds fair enougth to me. Maybe i ought to try this when my son comes home from uni. He wouldn't be bothered by the mess but if his dad stopped cooking that might bother him.