Hi, been a bad morning but greatly improved throughout the day...I hope everyone is feeling good xxx
Good evening everyone :): Hi, been a bad... - Anxiety Support
Good evening everyone :)

Shalom Ciaran,
Glad your day has got better.
How far are you from eel, pie and mash?

Hi 1b4bed, about half a mile away lol
Good evening London-man, I am pleased your day got better, I think it is the mornings that can be the worst. And I have not had pie and mash since I left London, and soooo miss it.
Take Care
Hi Bonnie, thank you...it's been quite a while since i had pie and mash xxx
OMG you need to get down there, I would be. I used to have it regular when I lived in London, however where I lived in hackney never had one , used to have to go up Dalston for it, My those were the days. I did dame my parents a bit for moving out when I was 16, couldent get pie and mash where they moved two. Anyway take care.
LM & Bonnie
Don't we all!
They throw 'em back here.
Can't believe it.
Not only that don't even know what a saveloy is.

Don't no what a saveloy is, what part of the world are you in? I did ask for a savaloy and peas pudding once here and they said got saveloy , but did not no what peas pudding was, used to get that in London chip shop with no trouble.

Sorry you didnt have such a good morning , but it shows even when things dont start so well , they can get better
I hope you have a lovely evening & look they have given me my faces back

Thanks WhyWhy xxx
Oh now your talking ain't had pukka pease pudding for ages.
Keep threatening to do myself some but seem a great indulgence and time consuming just for moi.
Haven't even asked for faggots, very worried what I might get!
Sorry Ciaran for taking over your post but...

Hey it's cool bonnie...i like the convos xxx
Ciaran, Why Why,
How far are you away from pease pudding.
Starting to really getting home sick another problem to throw in to the mix.
Bonnie only out a packet?

That was the faggots yes , out of a packet well you square dish, a shop job, my daughter got em, and they were really salty , and on top of that they have shrunk them, just like the twix I had today, have you seen that lately , it looks like a milky way now.lol

Ah, i'm trying to eat healthy at the mo, been doing the fruit smoothie thing and healthy meals, managed to lose a stone over the last month.