I had a better day yesterday but today my adrenaline levels are through the roof. In my current period of anxiety I have not had a full blown panic attack. But I feel close to having one now.
Another bad day.: I had a better day... - Anxiety Support
Another bad day.
That's exactly how I feel today, I don't know what causes mine....
Oh dear sorry to hear that, hope you get through it quickly xx
And you too., hope you get through this ok. I had a really good week but its come back with a vengeance.
Hi Grayem,
Sorry to hear you are so wound up with anxiety. I know it sounds very simplistic and easy to say, but try, try, try not to fight it, let it wash over you and ultimately the parasympathetic nervous system will kick in and lower your adrenalin levels. Are you in a position to go for a 20 - 30 minute walk, I find this helps me tremendously, to dissipate adrenalin. I try to walk at a pace that will keep me slightly breathless.
I don't believe it is important to know absolutely WHAT causes the adrenalin rush, much more important is HOW one reacts to it. If you can minimise your reactions you will help break "the anxiety spiral". I do hope this settles down for you as quickly as it came back.
Good luck, Mallet-Head
HELLO and so so sorry i have not been around for a while i have not been too good panic attacks nearly everyday can not tolerate medication i have paid private for hypnosis but that did not work dont know what to do next i never knew that anxiety could have an inpact on your life
HI I WAS an auxiliary nurse in a psychiatric unit and i have done c b t with a lot of people so i know what it entails i dont think it will work for me i have done the relaxation tapes and read various books i am at my wits end with it all but thanks so much for replying i try to distract myself but it is impossible when you are in a full blown attack i so hope you can learn to control your anxiety and yes moving about is the answer and also correct breathing practise this on a regular basis