See how beautiful we look, like diamonds in the rough.
we've been here over 20yrs, i think she's had enough
her mind and body's braking down, she's losing lots of weight,
anemia is kicking in, she doesnt feel too great.
we know whats going on inside, and so does she we're sure,
in constant pain and sleepless nights, with every muscle sore.
we've made her feel much older, sped up the hands of time,
she's hoping that a cure will come, just waiting for a sign.
we may vacate and leave the nest, but then we may just stay,
as after all, its her own fault, she ended up this way.
she couldnt leave the drink alone. the intravenous drugs,
its hardly any wonder that she caught us little bugs.
some days are worse than others, the nights a living hell,
well thats to be expected, when your liver starts to swell.
im sure if she could give you all, some kind words and advise,
she'd tell you to be cautious and to drink and drugs, think twice.
she's feeling realy tired again, so while she has a doze,
i think we'll go and multiply, to keep her on her toes.
you see thats what we're all about, a kind virus are we,
we'll love her till her final breath, our name, why its Hep C