I won't go on about her status etc. But for over a year now, her personality flipped. She lost confidence and doesn't go anywhere with family anymore. Weirdly but good I suppose she volunteers to help other people suffering with depression.
We know she volunteers. She's made it loud and clear she helps others. That's all we need to know. Full stop. However, my poor parents are constantly questioned and yelled at by her like "Do you know what I do?" Or "No one ever asks me how my day was". "I saved someone from killing themselves today". Thats interesting because she makes us, her family feel the opposite way.
Like for goodness sake we don't even ask each other how their day was. She has lived away in many different places around the UK but she stays with us currently at home. Tommorow just me and my parents were going holiday for a break but something happened today which has to cause it to be cancelled. Argument between my sister and mum. I went down to check on my mom and she was unconscious and not moving.
She is somewhat ok now, but won't fully open her eyes. My sister may be depressed, but really she's beyond help. She has no sympathy for our parents. I understand what it's like to be depressed and so do my parents. But what she did and keeps doing is unforgivable.