I have battled with several emotional disorders, a quadruple heart bypass 3 years ago and a stroke. I have a doctor and take many medications....some for emotions and some for my heart. My 18 year old son has OCD and takes medication too. We are both looking to expand our horizons, learn more, and join a support group. I am also an alcoholic and use the Everything AA web site on a daily basis...now it's time for more and something my son can go to for help and questions he may feel comfortable sharing in a group as such. Does anyone have suggestions on how to best use and navigate this site. It would be appreciated. Thank you. Anthony...53 years old.
Anxiety, depression and family - Anxiety and Depre...
Anxiety, depression and family

Welcome to the community. Is your son here also?
You have learned how to post so that's the beginning. You can scroll through other posts and reply where you like.
There is an OCD community here and also a site called Drink Free which may be helpful.
There are some general guidelines provided that you may want to read through. Go to the section called " About" at the top of your post.
That's really about it. There are some great people here.
Cheers for the 12 Steps. My father was a skid row alcoholic, when Bill W. was just getting started. Of course I had issues to deal with and when I reached my mid thirties those issues came calling. I joined a 12 Step group called Adult Children of Alcoholics. It really helped me, and later I joined another 12 Step called CoDependents Anonymous. I'm sharing this because your son might benefit from something similar. Thanks for sharing. 🥰
FYI at the top of this website click on Menu and pick Get Help Using This Site. 🥰