Hello , new to this site I have had anxiety for the last two years been handling it with medication lexapro. Every so often I feel low with no motivation and tired all the time I feel like something is misssing in my life when there isn’t I have a beautiful healthy five year old little girl who I adores I countless ways. So I don’t know why I feel this way I feel like a not happy feeling an my life is pretty perfect for the most part. Does anyone else feel like this ? Did lexapro help you ?
Anxiety and depression why why why ..... - Anxiety and Depre...
Anxiety and depression why why why .........

Yes, I have felt like this on Lexapro. You sound depressed, as if your Lexapro dose is not enough or it has become ineffective and you need to change drugs. I suggest you see your prescribing doctor asap in order to make either change in order to feel better. This is a common occurrence and not a difficult problem at all. You might feel increased anxiety at first if you are put on a new drug and that's entirely normal. Take care and let us know how you're doing, ok?
I hate feeling depressed I have everything why am I feeling this at first I just had anxiety panic disorder now this feeling I feel I’m depressed from the anxiety panic
I hate feeling depressed, too. Anxiety and depression go together, unfortunately, and are nasty illnesses we don't choose that seem to be both something we can get through heredity and/or environmental influences like stress and tough circumstances. So you can have everything and still be ill with the flu, cancer or depression. It doesn't have to be due to your environment.
How do u g f through your days do u have depression also? I see a psychiatrist I go on Monday I’m talking to her about it what do u take?
I am only somewhat depressed. I have to push myself through all of my paperwork, phoning, dr. appt's., bill paying and more obligations that I don't want to do every day. I hate that stuff. I take quetiapine/Seroquel and Viibryd/vilazodone hcl and bupropion/Wellbutrin. All are for depression but also do help with anxiety. I have an excellent counselor who helps me keep up my spirits and health.
I am on 10mg of Lexapro. I have been on It for 2 years. It worked great but I have become resistant to it. My doctor added Abilify which has helped with my mental and physical motivation but it does affect my sleep.
How long have you been on the Lexapro and how many milligrams are you taking?
I was on it for the whole 2017 year because I got ill with all this the end of 2016 anyways I stopped lexapro 20mg after one year in February 2018 I though I could manage fine but the end of April it all came back an now restarted lexapro 20mg for a month now I just don’t feel it is working like it did last year for me because I get great on it .
I'm sorry you are feeling this way. You are not alone. Praying you have better days. Take care