I had a holiday so I went back to my county to see my parents. The feeling of being home is amazing!
Today I went to my old school to see my teachers and they were so happy to see me, we were talking a lot and it was fabulous !
And then I saw my ex boyfriend… (if you don’t know the story, I will explain it as a comment to this post).
A little update about him: he is now watching my social media from another account (he once told me this is his second account and we follow each other so he knows I know it’s him). I am not sure if he saw me, he probably didn’t, but to be honest, I felt awful. My legs started shaking, my eyes got tears… I was doing so good before. When he stared watching my social media I felt a relive. It’s the moment I knew he cares and he is not heartless so I finally felt myself moving on.
Now I really want to text him. Not because I want to be friends with him or to have a relationship, I just want us to shake hands like grown ups and continue without hard feelings. I don’t have any negative feelings towards him anymore. I am even grateful, because he was my first love and even though he was often toxic, he also was supportive and caring and helped me a lot and thanks to this relationship I now know what I want and what to avoid!
So do you think I should just text him? Do you think I have a point here, or it’s just too many emotions?