Life has been rough lately. I feel like I'm losing my grip on the pieces that make me me. I'm losing interest in my hobbies and friends. Work feels like it's dragging and my romantic life has plummeted.
I feel so alone and discouraged. They say they care, but when faced with the reality of my depression slump, I'm alone. I try communicating but I somehow say the wrong thing and become the bad guy. I just want to be understood and accepted again.
How can someone say they care and then dismiss your tears? It hurts. It hurts me and shames my vulnerability. It makes me want to push away and hide. I don't want to exist right now. I like living, but this isn't living. This is enduring displeasure, and for what? I guess just hold on until this passes. Until the people who make me feel belittled and hurt cycle their way out and away from my life. Then maybe I can get back to some normalcy.