has anyone read and tried the dare method and taking meds for anxiety and panic attacks? Did it help? Did anyone use it for agoraphobia?
Dare and meds : has anyone read and... - Anxiety and Depre...
Dare and meds

I have no idea but I’m interested to hear about it.
Yes, I read the DARE Anxiety book and used the method to help manage and heal my anxiety and my social anxiety. They also have very good videos on youtube and I at one time subscribed to their phone app. What made sense to me about the approach was reading that panic/anxiety is basically a paradox and the more we struggle, fight or deny it the more it persists and by using the DARE method I was able to confront the anxious feelings and know that they wouldn't last too long. I also started practicing simple mindfulness meditation to be able to disengage from and observe my anxious thoughts and realize I didn't have to believe them that they were lies in order to supposedly keep me safe but were counterproductive. I didn't have agoraphobia only because I had no option to not go to work although I had social anxiety which is somewhat related. The thing for me with the DARE method is that it helped me feel like I was in charge of my anxiety and call it's bluff and diminish it's power over me.
You might also check out the youtube/website of Paige Pradko for dealing with anxiety/agoraphobia and also Emma at Therapy in a Nutshell.
Hi Panicfree, I have read Dare as well as other books/videos on YouTube. I was also
on Xanax at the time. The thing is the answer isn't in a pill. That is just a band-aid to
lower the symptoms but not solving the problem. No matter which method you use
to go forward with Anxiety and/or Agoraphobia, it takes action behind those words
in order to heal.
For me, it was a retraining of my mind to relieve my fears. The methods that
designguy suggested I highly agree are very helpful. Learn, learn and learn some more
until you are filled with answers and not questions. It will happen if you don't give up xx