Hoping that someone may have a similar story and share some experience with me how they were able to improve.
Struggling with from what I believe has to be childhood ptsd. I finally see a psychologist this coming Monday, but I'm suffering from a huge lack of sleep for a long time now.
Almost two years ago when I approached my p.c.p. about this they assumed it was GAD and prescribed me hydroxizine which had zero effect, summer arrived and I was able to keep physically active to the point I was totally exhausted by bedtime and able to get sleep. Autumn came, along with the cold which keeps me indoors more then not and reducing my physical activity.
I returned to my p.c.p. and they prescribed lorazapam (aka ativan) but I've always been reluctant towards taking benzos so I take it only when my anxiety is totally out of control.
Having then talked with someone who manages medications I was prescribed buspirone and to do a 30 day trial. 21 days in and It's had very little effect on nether my anxiety or sleep, I had to skip 6 doses in favor of taking the lorazapam becuase it's the only thing that has helped. I still wake up as though someone had just dropped a box of tools at the foot of my bed.
Last night was my first time taking two lorazapam (0.5mg) twice, having taken the second dosage right before bed helped me get 7hrs of sleep in comparison to the 4 to 6 hours I was getting but the sudden jolt that wakes me is still there but less dramatic (thus I am here writing this)
Final thought:
Is anyone on lorazapam for severe anxiety? Has anyone taken it long-term? And, does it help with your sleep, or do you take/do something in conjunction with it?
Unlike anything else I've done or taken the lorazapam is the only thing giving me relief, so much so I would like to consider taking it long-term so I can return to being more productive and able to actually relax. Before my parents passed away this was easily treatable with recreational marijuana of which now I barely if at all smoke anymore especially when in the throes of it all.
P.s. I cut out caffeine by midday and if I can ever get ahold of this anxiety I'd like to finally quit using tobacco. When I get up I have an urge to smoke which no doubt contributes negatively to said anxiety.