I have had depression since I was little and I am 50 now. I still see a dr every couple of months for it and a therapist. My dr just changed me from focaline to Adderall and I am feeling so much worse. I don't want to get out of bed. I called for help the other night and they referred me to additional therapist until I can see mine again. He also decreased my antipsychitic medication for no reason and I am so afraid I will get delusional again. I left him a message about the effects and he said no changes until I see him in three weeks. I'm in misery. Any suggestions on what to do next
Med changes: I have had depression... - Anxiety and Depre...
Med changes

Hi April! Depressed is a lifelong battle. Isn’t it? What helps for me is getting my mind involved with something I find interesting. Do you have any hobbies?
I am sorry to hear this. While I have no experience with medications, I sure know the state of depression. On my worst days, I do this: I allow myself to get some rest at first. Then I take my morning coffee/tea. If I have no strength to get anything done, I take care of my hygiene, if I need a shower or brushing teeth or anything such. After that, I take it very slowly and easily. No pressure. Every effort I give is a small miracle itself. And when I can't get anything done physically, I listen to lectures. I love psychology. Even though it seems like I do not progress in my life, it feels like I actually do. If I learn something new or listen to someone's speech about goodness or religion, after that I manage to wash a cup or two or even load the washing machine. So I go, little by little and carefully to not burden myself.
Ty for your response. I don't even shower. I do brush my teeth. I haven't brushed by hair in a few days. I just don't care.
well...then take a shower now. Do not even think about doing it. Just go, shower, and see
I have a bad headache and I don't feel good. I don't know if I am feeling bad from Adderall or cutting my dose of antipsychotic. I don't think getting in the shower is a good idea. I will try in the morning if I feel better though
I hope that when you say Dr, your taking about a Psyciatrist. Only because I dint believe a primary care Dr should ever order a psychotropic. Call your Dr's office again and tell them what you have told us here. Ask them how your supposed to adapt when you can hardly function. Start looking for another Dr, this one sounds unempathetc. You deserve better.
I feel better this morning. I think I had an anxiety attack yesterday. I'm stopping the Adderall. I don't think it. Is a good fit for me. I am interested to see what the dr has to say Monday. I don't know why they keep wanting to change my antipsychotic when it I'd working well. I guess just a power trip
I have had depression for years and had to have my anti-depressant meds changed due to it no longer worked on me. I had taken Zoloft for 30 years at different dosages. Now after several trials two years ago I found a new combination that works. Hopefully it will work for another 20 years. Don't know why your doctor would lower your meds if they were working for you at the current dose??
No idea. My last dr wanted to take me off of it and put me on something different. I had to practically fight with her not to.
Wow, don't understand that. I was on Lorazepam for awhile and my doctor did take me off of it but I got along fine. I know Lorazepam is an addictive drug and I wanted to get off of it anyway.
That's great that you were able to quit without problems. I have just been sleeping mostly without the focaline. I had to quit Adderall it made me feel horrible. I think I am having panic attack over dropping dose of antipsychotic though. I can’t wait to see him in two weeks