I shouldn't swear but i do...cold calls? - Anxiety and Depre...

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I shouldn't swear but i do...cold calls?

secrets22 profile image
11 Replies

I quite often get phone calls from people saying there is something wrong with my computer, and this morning before the guy had time to say much I went ballistic and called him every swear word under the sun and then put the phone down, then the caller rang back but i was far to nervous to answer it , and he did say it was regarding my computer but now i'm wondering if it was genuine because i don't like being rude to people

Why do i feel guilty about everything?

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secrets22 profile image
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11 Replies
Turnipgirl profile image

Probably to do with having your confidence knocked after David died is one reason I can think of.

BlueAgave profile image

I wouldn't feel guilty. I just don't answer any numbers I don't know. It's extremely annoying. My insurance company called, so I answered, and it was a recording asking me to hold for the next representative. I had some choice words for that recording and hung up! Lol It was a sales thing. My hubby gets so frustrated with these calls as well and doesn't hold back at times . They should be outlawed.

Turnipgirl profile image
Turnipgirl in reply to BlueAgave

One lunchtime I was on the way to swimming and was getting off the bus when the phone went and I picked it up and it was for an on the spot phone interview and I got asked is it a good time to talk and in all honesty said no it isn't and I would ring them back when it was convenient for me and that I did and they demanded I go in for interview the following day and with confidence I told them no and they suggested the following Tuesday and I said I would come back to them as I wasn't sure about if I could fit them in that day!

I did come back to them and told them I wasn't taking the application further as I was no longer interested in the job and that was that and I felt calm and relaxed after doing that!

BlueAgave profile image
BlueAgave in reply to Turnipgirl

That's good of you to answer. I tend to avoid and wait for the message to see if I want to respond. It gives me time to think, but I also know avoiding isn't always a good thing!

Turnipgirl profile image
Turnipgirl in reply to BlueAgave

I'd rather tackle problems head on than avoid them myself!

Just after I got evicted last year my confidence was shattered and I didn't want to leave home in case anything horrible happened whilst I wasn't there so what I did was took short trips to places nearby and then came back to prove to myself everything was fine and there was no reason to be frightened and once I mastered that I moved on to going out on a quieter bus at off peak times to go to swimming and then did the crowded ones to prove how there's no reason to be frightened.

Last week there was a concert in town and I was on a course there and had booked for swimming at 5pm as no way was I changing my plans for them and had to get off the bus early and walk as I was beyond frustrated!

My friends told me you could have said no and I said how if I really really want to do things then I will shift heaven and earth to make them happen!

HarryBraynes profile image

You’re not alone! I can identify with you for sure. More oft than not, when reacting to things, I have jumped the gun rather than remaining calm and evaluating the situation through an unbiased perspective. Typically, when I do that, I feel guilty, embarrassed, ashamed, and regretful. It’s really hard for me to remain calm and of sound mind when I’ve sized up the situation before it’s had a chance to unfold. I can do it… but it takes a great amount of mindfulness; which doesn’t always come easy.

I try to forgive myself for jumping to conclusions and remind myself that I have mental health issues that can make it difficult for me to act as if I don’t have mental health issues. I do find, though, that the more shame I feel about my behaviour, the more mindful I become. Sometimes I have to re-experience the shame several times… even several dozens or hundreds of times before I pick up on the need and benefit of mindfulness.

I have made an ass out of myself more times than I can count because of it.

If you feel embarrassed or nervous about having overreacted…. grab a seat next to me and we’ll go through it together :)

Turnipgirl profile image
Turnipgirl in reply to HarryBraynes

What's overreacting anyway?

How longs a piece of string?

Point is matters that are silly and trivial to one

aren't silly to another!

fauxartist profile image

We're only human, not perfect...and sometimes it's 'the straw that broke the camel's back', and we just vent...I'm not sure why someone would be calling you about your computer, but I don't think that was the issue for you.... you were just spent and let go. Sometimes we just can't take it back, so we forgive ourselves, make amends if needed , and let it go.

Turnipgirl profile image
Turnipgirl in reply to fauxartist

Often it's seemingly silly little things like that that's the final blow after problems have built up over time!

fauxartist profile image
fauxartist in reply to Turnipgirl

Yes it is. Many people hold their feelings tight to their chest, or just don't want to make waves, and don't express how they really feel. Sure, everything has its time, and it's place....but sometimes stuff just happens and when you've had enough... and it just comes out.

Turnipgirl profile image
Turnipgirl in reply to fauxartist

Once with me I became really cross over not getting a dessert and it wasn't not getting a dessert in itself that had upset me it had been the final blow in a series of problems that had come at the same time!

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