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What rights do I have what should I do?

Sadegirl profile image
16 Replies

I'm feeling so overwhelmed. 2 days ago i was almost assaulted at work. I'm a Supervisor and me and another female supervisor were alone working at night in our shared office when one of the employees was giving her a hard time answering a question she needed an answer from him to resolve an issue. Finally she sent a message to this employee with our Managers name at the end to finally get him to answer. Our Manager has instructed us to do so if we have issues like this. The employee was in the building, he came barging into our office slamming the door asking "WHO IS JG (JG is my username for messages to employees) WHO IS USING THE MANAGERS NAME WHEN HE ISN'T HERE!. My co-worker said she did and tried to explain. He was so irate pacing the floor eyes WIDE open, looking at her and at me. He continued to yell and argue with her cursing and pacing. She kept asking him why is he talking to her like this to please calm down. She kept facing her computer because he was hoovering over her walking away then hovering as he argued cursed and yelled. We were both scared he was not acting like a logical person and we are alone (we thought) and in a small office with him. (Years ago an employee came into the building on the same level we were working and shot and killed several employees in a mass shooting) I interrupted him asking him "why are you talking to her like that we are only trying to do our jobs we are your Supervisors". He began to curse and yell at me. So I thought about filming him so we had proof but decided not to because it might make him angrier. So instead I stood and grabbed my phone and said " I am calling our Manager because he is going to be part of this conversation " that enraged him he start yelling at me that he wants a shop Stewart if I call the manager. I said get whomever you want I am calling my Manager. He lunged at me I think for my phone and out came a Male Supervisor from another office and stepped into his way and got him to leave the office by basically pushing him out of the office . As he was leaving the office he called her and I a name with profanity, he was several feet away from me already through the second long office door. I was trying to reach my Manager by phone to tell him what is going on. My coworker told me what he said so I opened the door and asked him what did he just call us? And he lunged for me again but more forcefully that the male Supervisor had to restrain him forcefully. My Manager took all the necessary steps to start the firing process that night. The next day I was interviewed by my Manager and a separate interview about what happened with the Head of Security and HR. In these meetings I found out he was only suspended for 1 day, that this situation is being investigated. I felt during my questioning that I was the one being investigated. I found out later during the day that I was being blamed by the employee for lunging at him. That I was the aggressor and he felt threatened by her and I. That she called him a name. Because of the union we a disposable, the union in our company is VERY strong. So I informed my manager HR and the head of security that I am pressing charges and filing a restraining order. I'm afraid to go back to work, I have PTSD Anxiety and panic attack disorders and this incident has me very upset. I'm dumbfounded, my mind is forgetting the exact words he was using forgetting details it just wants to forget it and never go back there. But I need to work I have Bill's. My mind is all over the place he shook me inside along with how my company is treating this and treated me during my questioning. When I tried to tell HR and security that I was scared to come to work the HR personnel stopped me and said she doesn't want to hear how I feel right now I can tell her after my questioning if I want. She was rude and nasty.

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16 Replies
TrustnGod profile image

Hello Sadegirl. WOW I am in SUCH a shock that they’re questioning you. How ridiculous! I’m so sorry you’re going through this. This is so unfair to you. I think you’re going down the right path by getting a restraining order. This is honestly something I would take up with a lawyer because they’ll better know your rights and what you can do for such mistreatment. Did they speak to the other male supervisor who was there or any other witnesses? How is your coworker who was with you handling everything?

I’m so incredibly sorry about this I’m just so shocked that we live in a world where you can’t express your worries because a male’s voice is heard louder than yours.


Sadegirl profile image
Sadegirl in reply to TrustnGod

The male Supervisor sided with the employee, hes young, he said to me while we were alone that he is afraid the other employees would treat him differently. I forgot to mention this is a male dominant work place. Theres 106 employees under us and only 2 are females. We Supervisors are not part of the union so we have no protection. My coworker and I are afraid to return to work in fear of him. Especially now that he almost got fired. She said she is going to do the same and file charges and put a restraining order on him.

Sadegirl profile image
Sadegirl in reply to Sadegirl

It's a large building theres 4 floors 106 in my department and there are 3 other departments with about as many male employees being dominat. I'd say approximately 400 male employees to maybe 20 female employees for the whole building.

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Sadegirl

What country is this (don't answer if you don't want to).

Many buildings, factories, companies, hospitals here in UK have CCTV. Many have Security Staff too.

Sadegirl profile image
Sadegirl in reply to Mary-intussuception

This is the USA I live in California

Sadegirl profile image
Sadegirl in reply to Mary-intussuception

However this company is also in the UK it is International, however its really the union the employees have. They are the largest strongest union in the US. The union has gotten several of the employees their jobs back after committing all different kinds of offenses. One employee was fired for doing drugs while on the job, and returned to work 1 year later with all his pay for that year. Another cornered a temporary employee asking for a sexual favor was fired and also brought back with all his pay. Usually the Supervisor or employee that is not protected by the union will get transferred so the offending employee can continue working. This union is so large with an enormous amount of lawyers they basically have the company hostage. I so wish I knew a way to make that union leave this company or better yet change how and who they defend. The employees protected by the union basically can do whatever they want with minimal consequences. So many offenses would not happen if they had to face the same consequences as everyone else. I feel so small and angry like David and Goliath. I just need a good rock and the right angle.

Do you have an employee handbook? If you do they usually give you a explanation of the grievance process for your company.

Sadegirl profile image
Sadegirl in reply to

The Supervisors are not part of the union we have no protection.

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Sadegirl

Aren't you protected by law ? Aren't you in a Staff Organisation at all ? Here in the UK Employers have a Duty of Care to ALL their staff.

You could have (and maybe should have) called the police. Too late for that now though. But - you could still make a complaint of threatening behaviour and assault to the police. Say you wish to make a statement & file a complaint. Get it on record. (Or is that what you're doing with the restraining order).

Is there no CCTV anywhere in your office or workplace?

If you want to go back to work be pre - prepared to record or film anything that makes you feel uncomfortable.

Seems like it's more convenient for management to cover up. They don't seem to want to accept responsibility for this man and what he did. Cheaper and easier for them that way? But they ARE responsible for all their employees. And they should ensure that the working environment is a safe place. They should protect their supervisors. They could provide a door you can keep locked on the inside. With a covered window viewer - then employees would have to knock and speak through the window when you've opened it. That way no one could barge in and threaten you. And any aggression - you could call the manager straight away with no threat of physical violence to your person. Many organisations have these over here.

Have you considered a body camera that is easy to switch on if needed? The presence of that might possibly be security enough.

There must be some public body you can go to for employees' legal rights advice?

Sadegirl profile image
Sadegirl in reply to Mary-intussuception

I think I'm just going to file a class action lawsuit. This is an international company.

Sadegirl profile image
Sadegirl in reply to Mary-intussuception

When I was being interviewed by security and human resources I told them I was going to record the employee and the human resources personnel told me it's not permitted to record videos in the building.

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Sadegirl

Really? It is permitted to record crime isnt it ?

Look into your legal rights. Check what you can & cannot do?

Sadegirl profile image
Sadegirl in reply to Mary-intussuception

Thank you this puts a fire under my feet. I'm going to fight.

Marshall64 profile image

Wow, sorry that happened to you.

If you decide to press charges or take action through your company, yes your job may be at risk. They need to understand though that this could happen again and something needs to be done before an even more violent outcome could happen.

I'm just wondering if that individual was under the influence of something.

Sadegirl profile image
Sadegirl in reply to Marshall64

Yes and I told them that we believed he was under the influence of something. They didn't even drug test him. That night when I talked to my manager we told him we wanted to call the police he told us not to that he will handle it.

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Sadegirl

You can still report it to police and get an incident /occurence/ crime number.

Are there any Victim Support Agencies where you are - who you could contact for free advice and support?

Not what you're looking for?

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