I'm up this morning. My family left I tried some of the things today. Didn't help.I'm very depressed and PTSD is high. I am in a rut. I can't explain today why because nothing specific happened.I am just in one of those moods where i fee bad bad.please someone talk to me.
I need someone to talk to.: I'm up this... - Anxiety and Depre...
I need someone to talk to.

How did your appointment with the psychiatrist go?
It went OK. I go back Tuesday. I got a lot of info. A hour isn't long enough though. The meds feel like it takes forever.
It does take the medicine some time to work. Did the psychiatrist give you any strategies.
Yes she did. I just took a bipolar test because my mom has bipolar and I think my little brother. It said I may be bi polar also. This is scary also
Have you tried the strategies she gave you? I know it is difficult, but necessary to move forward. Start with something small. Small victories will add up.
As we speak I was doing the box breathing.
Good. Is it helping? It may take some time, just like the medication.
A little. I know it may take some time. It has a overwhelming feeling like there is no time. I tell my self in this moment I am safe I am breathing and I got this. I continue to go back to mind racing. I guess I have no Patience. I get frustrated and crying again.
I find it easier when I'm around my family. But even sometimes that doesn't work. I never thought I could be bipolar either. It could me a mix of things. I'm still learning. Talking with you to make it manageable a little bit more.
It is good that you are learning about yourself. It will help you understand how to better deal with this. The more you figure out, the more tools you will have to fight it.
Just checking in to see how you are feeling today. I hope you can see by the numerous replies to your post that you are not alone. You have a lot of support in this community.
sorry to hear how much you ate suffering with ptsd. I’m sure it affects the whole family. It seems like you have a supportive family since you mentioned feeling better. Kids are a wonderful way to keep you in the present moment. If you’re bipolar there are a few different meds to try. My mother was bipolar and refused medication, her manic moods were terrible. I have mild ptsd nothing like yours,mine was from childhood trauma and repressed memories. Anyway, enough about me. You are young, just don’t give up until you find the right dr.and meds and counselor. I will pray for you.
I really need it. I don't know if I am bipolar I did a test and it said I had the traits like my mother
hi friend. I’m here if you still need to talk
hey brother- I feel you with the ruts that come out of no where and people don’t get it including the people who are closest to us. I dealt with straight anxiety in the past went 10 years with no issues then got extremely ill and not only did the anxiety come back, ptsd reared its ugly head. Nothing made sense to me. Couldn’t figure out why flare ups came and went. You have to do your best to stay the course and keep moving forward. You don’t eat your dinner in one bite. You take many bites. The harder dinner is/harder your day is the smaller the bites get. So instead of trying to make it through the whole day just concentrate on making it through the morning. Sometimes things got so bad I concentrated on making it through to the next hour. There’s light at the end of the tunnel even if you can’t see it. I promise it’s there. Make sure you get a good therapist and meds that work well for you and in time you will get better. I’ll be thinking of you today.
I'm struggling too but I can talk to you on here because I need someone to talk to as well. You are not alone and I know that doesn't help you much but knowing that someone else is going through similar does help because you know that you are not alone in this.
Hi William. Are you in a position to get outdoors? To get a tiny bit of a walk. Or even just to sit outdoors somewhere. To try to get some calmness. In times like this I feel being locked indoors makes me overthink and things escalate. While not even participating, just passively watching, it is sometimes good to just look on at the world carrying on as normal. It feels calming. Like even though things are bad and chaotic for me personally, there is reassurance in knowing that everything else (on a grand scale) is still the same. Hang in there William. The worst of times do eventually pass.
I live the same kind of life so I empathize with you. Just wanted to send hugs since just seeing your post from yesterday. You are not alone in dealing with this. We are each alone, though, because no one around us can know what it’s like. We are stronger than it. Hang in there.
I know how you feel. Some days I wake up so scared. I email my friends for encouragement. It does get better. Do you talk to a therapist? My counselor has helped me so much.
I been feeling this way for the past 2 days. It's normal sadly. Hard though. I definitely understand. If you don't mind me asking. What do you like doing? I try to do other things that keeps me focused. Can be harder then said. Although something I picked up was braiding and making things to wear. One thing I've learned from my wife is that wearing things can help ground PTSD. Its why I wear bracelets, headbands, and I make them too to get feeling in my hands so my PTSD doesn't keep me physically numb. Another thing to add is that some disorders like bipolar disorder can in my own words "simulate" other disorders. My ADHD and CPTSD was so extreme that I thought I might have been borderline personality disorder. It stressed me. But my therapist said that it just sounds like PTSD. I'm not in your position though so I have no idea. I'm sorry about whats happening. With time I'm sure you can do it.
From what I've read you're making good progress even if it might not feel like it. When I started to try and improve, be more social, bring myself out of my comfort zone. It felt like I was losing. In the first 2, 3 months I had multiple flashbacks. Ones so bad I practically became catatonic if im using that word right. I was under so much stress that I couldn't move and even viewed my wife with feeling of betrayal. I didn't know that was possible because she did absolutely nothing to me besides try and help.
I understand what it's like because not very many words can describe the stress. Don't be afraid to do research and talk to your psychiatrist about it. Someone to talk to has cleared so many things up in my own head I'm an entirely different person because of it.
From the sounds of it being alone at home at least from what I read can actually trigger PTSD. It does for me. I become a loud, angry, and I even talk to the air like someone is there to hear my screaming. Lol. It could help to give someone a phone call.
Good luck man and love to you. 💗
I hope you get better.
I'm sorry to hear your not feeling well. I have these kind of days all the time. Something that helps is exercise which no one really likes to do...I found bicycling helps me along with disk golf. Maybe you can go online to a community resource center and find out places to volunteer or join a swim team or softball league...feel your day with activity to keep your over thinking under control you could even just go for a walk...I'm truly sorry life has got you down and feeling hopeless but the blues eventually get better
When I was feeling rocky -- the way you're describing it -- I did a blue-sky walk with my dog and then tried to find something uber funny to watch or read. It was a tiny way station in my depression, but I found that it helped. If you've got meds, use them, but don't abuse them.
you can message me if you ever need to talk again
Give it a day or so and it will pass nothing stays the same 4ever