This feels scary as F***. I feel cold & tingling in my legs & arms. Plus tingling in my hand’s fingertips. I also started to feel pain in my chest like in the part where my heart is. I’m so scared ! I feel that I need to talk to someone. Nobody here at home understands me !💔
I need to talk to someone: This feels... - Anxiety and Depre...
I need to talk to someone

I'm sorry you feel this way. It is scary, but it will pass. It's hard when nobody understands but all of us on this site do. You'll get thru it
I think you might be hyperventilating. Can you sit still and take breaths for me. In at the count of three and slowly out at the count of three. Break. And again.
Hi it’s a panic attack it will pass deep breaths count to 10 inhale and exhale after each number focusing on your breathing will distract your mind
Please let me know how you’re doing
I’ve been through it many times it will pass

I just felt something really bad like I just felt like if I was going to die. All of a sudden I felt this feeling of dizziness,out of balance my heart rate got really but really fast I thought I was having a “Heart Attack”. I got so nervous that I started shaking. Then I decided to tell my dad but all he did was make fun of me . Telling me that I’m crazy .
& I’m so scared
I hate this feeling like I never felt this before .
I had experienced “Panick Attack” but never like this .
Panic attacks can be severe
Symptoms almost indistinguishable from a heart attack
But it is unlikely it is a heart attack
Try to calm down sit still and take deep breathes the thoughts are driving the panic if you focus on breathing

I’m trying to distract my mind it’s kinda hard bc my family the only thing that they do it’s making the things worse. But thank u for making me feel that it’s just “ Panic & that it’s not something worse. “
How are you feeling now?
Let us know you’re ok
Just keep breathing and stop thinking just breathe
Don’t talk with your family about anymore tonight it seems that’s fueling the panic more go into a room by yourself just sit and keep breathing count out loud if you need to I know it’s hard but if you count and breathe the thoughts fueling the panic will subside it will pass try visualization... visualize being at the beach watching the tide come in and go back out inhale when the tide comes in exhale when it goes back out and repeat.

Thanks for the advice I will considerate it.❤️
That helps me

Remember deep breaths. It changes your entire physiology.