Here’s the jist of it. One minute I am positive that things will work out then the very next minute I am crying and I see no hope in sight. This happens quite often through out the day😢
Should I talk to someone? : Here’s the... - Anxiety and Depre...
Should I talk to someone?

I've dealt with depression on n off since I was 14 and each time it was different triggers for me and I wouldn't always have the same symptoms. Now it is the worst it's ever been and similar to what you're going through. My mood can change drastically within the hour, sometimes because of triggers, other times I have no clue why I'm crying or am upset in the first place. Have you noticed certain things, environment, people around when u start feeling like that? Maybe u can identify some of the things that set you off. Talking can definitely help too. If it's bothering you so much seeking counseling might be a good option right now.
Hello Sasha. Thank you for the reply. There are two triggers. My current “life/living” situation and a future that looks very bleak. One minute I’m like “it’s ok. I’ll get through this. It will be ok and things will be better.” then the very next minute I’m a wreck, crying, convinced that there is no hope😢
It's very true of us. I think we have no ability to resist negative thoughts. I sometimes go through exactly the same. But after a long while I recover. But sometimes I talk about it with people whom I think don't even understand. It will change but very hard to believe while you are in. Don't lose hope, it's gonna be fine. Keep the faith
I am exactly the same way with my depression and generalized anxiety disorder. I try to approach each day as a new day, but the next minute I feel no hope. It goes up and down throughout the day, very often leading to tears. I've learned that I not only have to take things one day a time, but often moment to moment. Talking to someone you trust could be helpful. It took me a long time to feel comfortable opening up to a close friend or my therapist, but it can be helpful. You're not alone.
I have the same problem, ugghh I have so much to take care of today......but cant stop thinking/crying... I want to get a handle on my emotions, seems so hard
You are not alone I feel the same. Everything seems so difficult.
forum full of people similar frame of mind as near future is uncertain like yours.hopefully you can get back on track and have a clear positive outlook soon.